“Caregiver burnout is a real thing”: Family caregivers on how they cope, take care of themselves

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For the more than 53 million Americans who identify as family caregivers, it can be easy to be so focused on the loved one you’re caring for that you forget about yourself. In this segment from our documentary, “The Love of Care,” six caregivers discuss those challenges and the ways they cope.
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Very true. I see so much about caregiver burnout but few little realistic suggestions when you are a sole caregiver 24/7, not one single day off in five plus years


we should really make a network of sharing experiences globally like a virtual therapy. We totally understand each other. We should go into this one without external NGOS taking advantage of common problems just to get another cash aid.


I just got sat down by my boss today because i have had to miss work many days for taking care of my mom. Either i organize and look for options or lose my situation has me and tears, especially since i cant even get paid as a caregiver 😢


Thank you for posting this;
Our family is going through the same issue and the thoughts, feelings, choices and outcomes mentioned are spot on.

Feels like the speakers are living in our home :)


My good memories have been replaced with bad memories of illness, hospitals, bathroom accidents, being inadequate, hopeless.


This video is now a year old but if anyone is still paying attention to this program and is a caretaker my advice is to purchase Long Term Care Insurance for yourself the younger you are mid to late 50's the lower the monthly premiums will be. That's what I did got when I was 62 years old but a couple years later I increased the amount of insurance on the policy thinking the prices will have gone up by the time I need to use it, my mother has been living with me for 3 years now, she had multiple strokes over the past 20 years and could no longer live alone and of course I just didn't have the heart to put her in a skilled care home, I retired early to care for her, she never heard of LTC insurance in her younger days if it even existed then. I didn't want to be dependent on my adult children that's why I got the insurance. I wish you much patience, and the strength to take care of ourselves at the same time, I liked what the one lady said it's akin to flying on a plane with your kids, put your oxygen mask on first then theirs, I too stopped caring for myself and gained weight and all my lab work started coming back looking pretty grim. ❤
