Creating A More Diverse Cybersecurity Workforce

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As the technology industry has grown, the tech workforce has consistently had a low percentage of women and underrepresented minorities. The challenge of creating and supporting a diverse cybersecurity workforce dominates the discussions of HR professionals and corporate leaders with a desire to move the needle on this issue. What can be done?

Recorded on June 8, 2022, this panel discussion focused on the challenge of improving diversity in the cybersecurity workforce. Hosted by Google Cloud, the panel was held at Google's San Francisco Headquarters, concurrent with RSA Conference. The panel featured Ann Cleaveland, Executive Director of the University of California, Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity; Larry Whiteside, Chief Security Officer for Women's Care Enterprises and Co-Founder and President of Cyversity, an organization that seeks to improve the representation of women and underrepresented minorities in the cybersecurity industry; and Ron Duhart, Vice President and Deputy CISO at Walmart.

M.K. Palmore, Director of the Office of the CISO for Google Cloud and Cyversity Bay Area Lead, moderated the panel. Phil Venables, Chief Information Security Officer at Google Cloud, delivered opening remarks.

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why not flip the discussion of diversity on its head: focus on performance or perspectives with outcomes being a diverse workforce
