Ranking Every Card in Clash Royale Tier List (December 2024)

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In today's video I'll be ranking every card, tower troop, and evolution in Clash Royale for the month of December now that the new chef tower troop is out! I hope you guys enjoy the video, subscribe for more content!

You can support me in Clash Royale and other Supercell games by using creator code "boss"

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boss is the type of CR player to rank every card on christmas eve


Month 3 of adding timestamps until Boss puts chapters in his videos
0:00 Intro
0:37 Skeletons, A
0:59 Bomber, A
1:11 Goblins, B
1:22 Spear Goblins, B (from A)
1:29 Zap, D
1:42 Knight, A
1:57 Archers, D
2:06 Minions, C
2:16 Arrows, S
2:57 Cannon, S
3:32 Tesla, C
3:44 Mortar, B
4:06 Barbarians, D
4:19 Minion horde, D
4:33 Tombstone, C
4:50 Musketeer, C
5:03 Valkyrie, C
5:15 Hog rider, A
5:36 Mini Pekka, C
5:48 Fireball, A
6:10 Bomb tower, B
6:26 Giant, C
6:44 Wizard, F
6:58 Inferno tower, A (from B)
7:21 Goblin hut, F
7:32 Rocket, A (from B)
7:56 Elixer collected, F (from D)
8:17 Barbarian hut and mirror, F
8:44 Rage, A
9:14 Skeleton army, F
9:29 Goblin barrel, A (from B)
9:57 Baby dragon, C
10:15 Freeze, C (from D)
10:34 Witch, F
10:52 Prince, B
11:06 Baloon, A
11:27 Giant Skeleton, D
11:43 Lightning, A
12:09 X-bow, D
12:28 Pekka, A
13:08 Golem, D
13:20 Royal giant, B (from C)
13:38 3 Musketeers, F
13:58 Dark prince, C
14:11 Poison, A (from B)
14:41 Princess, A
15:04 Ice wizard, A
15:29 Fire spirit, C
15:42 Furnace, F
16:00 Guards, S
16:40 Miner, S
17:15 Sparky, D
17:26 Lava hound, A (from B)
17:48 Ice spirit, S
18:19 Bowler, B
18:32 The Log, take a wild guess
19:14 Lumberjack, B (from D)
19:29 Ice Golem, B (from C)
19:48 Mega minion, C
20:01 Inferno dragon, A
20:20 Graveyard, B
20:42 Elite barbarians, D
20:54 Tornado, S (from A)
21:31 Clone, F
21:46 Electro wizard, C
22:00 Goblin gang, S
22:44 Dart Goblin, B
23:05 Battle ram, C (from B)
23:14 Exexutioner, D
23:24 Bats, C (from D)
23:43 Heal spirit, D
23:55 Bandit, A (from B)
24:16 Night witch, D
24:28 Skeleton barrel, B (from C)
24:41 Flying machine, B
24:53 Cannon cart, S
25:27 Mega knight, C
25:40 Zappies, D
25:48 Barbarian barrel, A
26:16 Hunter, D (from C)
26:31 Royal ghost, A (from S)
26:49 Magic Archer, B (from C)
27:07 Rascals, D
27:17 Giant Snowball, C (from B)
27:33 Royal recruits, D
27:54 Royal hogs, A
28:13 Goblin giant, D
28:26 Electro dragon, D
28:43 Ram rider, A
29:15 Wall breakers, B (from C)
29:31 Earthquake, A
29:53 Goblin cage, D
30:05 Fisherman, S
30:55 Elixer golem, D
31:05 Battle healer, F
31:15 Firecracker, C
31:32 Royal delivery, B (from A)
31:48 Skeleton dragons, A
32:15 (Evolved?) Electro spirit, A
32:39 Electro giant, D
32:48 Mother witch, D
33:00 Goblin drill, B (from C)
33:24 Golden knight, F
33:35 Archer queen, A
34:00 Skeleton king, B
34:16 Mighty miner, C
34:29 Phoenix, B
34:50 Monk, D
35:02 Little Prince, D (from C)
34:14 Void, Goblin demolisher (from D), and Goblin machine, F
35:48 Goblin curse, D
35:56 Suspicious bush, D
36:09 Goblinstein, S
37:08 Royal chef, S
38:10 Princess tower, A (from S)
38:23 Cannoneer, A
39:42 Dagger dutchess, C (from D)
40:01 Barbarians (from D)
40:19 Giant Snowball
40:32 Tesla (from D)
40:41 Archers (from C)
40:48 Cannon
40:59 Musketeer (from C)
41:05 Wizard (from C)
41:16 Knight (from B)
41:29 Bomber (from S)
41:52 Wall breakers
42:03 Firecracker (well no fucking shit the evolution is better than the base card)
42:14 Royal Giant
42:27 Goblin cage
42:42 Goblin drill
43:02 Royal recruits
43:12 Mega Knight
43:22 Mortar
43:32 Zap (from B)
43:50 Bats
44:00 Valkyrie
44:12 Electro dragon (from B)
44:27 Battle ram (from B)
44:51 Goblin barrel (from A)
45:30 Goblin giant (from C)
45:59 Pekka (from A)
46:17 Ice spirit (from A)
46:50 Skeletons

48:06 Outro


Hank as an S Tier brawler is a bold take, but I very much respect it


Boss zooming in on his face keeping me big as hell


when evo ice spirit jumps from F tier to S tier without any balance
This meta is so fun 😂


Chat hear me out boss is s tier because he doesn't have sponsors meaning he's not annoying and gets straight to the point


Great vid to wind down to on christmas eve, happy holidays


Tbh Melodie should be higher, she is very strong and with very few counters with her hypercharge


It's honestly really surprising to me how the evo battle ram really shot up from out of nowhere. It was below average since they took away it's heavy troop pushback and became severely outclassed by the ram rider. Even now, the ram rider is still strong but the evo ram's use suddenly sky-rocketed. Good for it.

I'm gonna make a bold prediction and say that something similar might happen with the evo giant snowball.


RIP Evo bomber, it fell off hard after the nerf it received couple of days ago


the evo tierlist is spot on except for evo edrag. evo edrag should be in s tier without a doubt, right after evo pekka. the fact that it can nuke tanks and bait alike makes it ridiculously broken


I would personally rank the princess tower higher than the royal chef mainly due to the versatility of the princess tower. The royal chef is mainly only good in beatdown decks, or just decks that rely on high-hp cards, while the princess tower is just overall good in all archetypes. Although the prominence of evo PEKKA might make chef better, the existence of bait, hog cycle, and other meta decks might keep the princess tower as the best.


Boss ranks minion horde so low because he has ptsd from when he was attacked by 6 minions as a kid


46:18 i am cooked by tik tok, who also expected an unexpected edit of the loooow taper fade meme with the massive comeback of the evo ice spirit


Thanks to boss for being consistent with these content


I dont even play this game but as an og arrows enjoyer i love seeing it in the s tier, this card never left my deck for years of playing


Bro shouldve posted on christmas day and make a one minute montage about clash royales peaks and lows


Goblinstein is my favorite champion as the ability when it’s activated and killing everything is satisfying.


Lava player here, Mega Minion is interchangeable for only inferno dragon. Mega Minion is really only useful if you are really good, top 500 player good. If not infernodragon is better in every way, especially if you are running lightning.


Yessss these are my favorite of your vids! enjoy christmas tomorrow boss
