Mother of Nottingham victim Barnaby Webber 'doesn't feel sorry' for the family of her son's killer

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Emma Webber, the mother of Nottingham victim Barnaby Webber, explains to Nick Ferrari why she does not feel sorry for the family of her son's killer.

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Her grief is all to raw, but blaming parents for bringing a child into this world. There are several similar cases in recent years.


As someone with seriously mentally ill family, her expectations of his family are wildly unrealistic and unreasonable. I dont blame her, her grief makes that understandable but their is very little a family can do.


I am a manager of a mental health project, believe me when I say, there is absolutely nothing the parents could have done more.


I feel sympathy for this mothe but being a psychiatric nurse and having a sister with Schizophrenia is challenging
You have no rights too information and no support they are left in the community as their are no mental health beds
My sister said she had 7 days to killMy Mother and I
Its not the famillies fault we tried ourI hope she can find some peace and a level of understanding of mental health
But i fear Grief will lead her to spread Prejudice for those living eith Ment as l health and their families


I have nothing but sympathy for her, but "they brought him into this country and this world." Had me a little thrown back.


I understand that she’s hurting and it is 100% her right not to forgive…..but she lost me at that point…(into this world and into this country) The biggest culprits here are everyone involved in the system……they failed Mr Calocane, they failed his family, and those failures ultimately resulted in 3 people losing their lives. It has happened before, and it will happen again, it’s just another consequence of our totally dysfunctional public services. At the end of the Panorama documentary it stated that there are 60 homicides committed every year by people with severe mental illness….this was a high profile case, but think of all the other families who are suffering, simply because the system is completely broken.


She doesn’t have to feel sorry for anyone, she doesn’t have to forgive anyone, the only think she unfortunately had to do was bury her son. We can feel empathy for everyone involved but she doesn’t have to.


My heart goes out to this lady for her loss but she has no idea what it is like to deal with someone with schizophrenia. I have this experience and I can tell you it never ends and people with this terrible illness are in a whole different planet mentally. Sometimes anti psychotics work and sometimes it doesn't. Even when they do work they are still not the same. As parents you can't do anything other than allow the mental health professionals deal with it. Not all mental health illnesses are created equally. Schizophrenia is the worst. Alot of people judging the parents but don't make judgements until you have to deal with it yourself. It's basically a lifetime commitment of stress and worrying. You are NEVER off the clock.


This is the problem that has been ongoing for YEARS and exacerbated by the last Tory government. Mental Health Care in this country is woefully inadequate. I work in a hospital and the amount of times I've seen patients ignored or passed over when they obviously are in serious need of Mental Health intervention is ridiculous.
So is the NHS policy of not sending qualified mental health workers to acute inpatients until they have been discharged from the acute care they are receiving. Sometimes its too late, the patient gets discharged and leaves before any mental health people have spoken to them.
We need to be proactive, because this is what happens when we are not.


Ooofff I this set my alarms off a little bit. I absolutely hope i never have to go through any mothers worst nightmare but the “letting him into the country” line is not ok. This man was in a severe MH crisis which is also terrifying for the person involved.


They brought that indiviual into this world? As in gave birth to him?? I dont think couples plan on giving birth to someone with schizophrenia🤔


Doesn't want to say anything inflamatory but proceeds to. If she's going to blame his parents, maybe she should question why her son was out at 4am in a well known rough area. Should we blame her?


What on earth is the point of this interview? It’s just sensationalism of a mother’s grief.


The other family have lost a son as well. Whilst he might be alive, he’s lost in his mental Illness.
I can imagine they will feel guilt on top of the grief.


She lost me at, into this country, we can all have a family member with mental health issues no matter where we are born or live. Care in the community doesn't work and we don't have the right mental health provision.


The brother made a very sincere apology to her and the other victims families, he read the documents too and was shocked that a dr had written his brother was a serious risk to others. This was new information to him. I am sad she can’t meet with him or accept his apology. He seems a really decent guy and inaway he’s a victim too - he’ll never be able to think of his brother now as anything more than a mentally ill murderer. Ultimately this is a failing of our mental health services and I really hope in time she feels able to accept his heart felt apology.


The chap should have been off the streets, but then nothing is as easy as it sounds these days, especially in the NHS where it' becoming almost impossible to reach a specialist when they are actually needed. This poor woman is grieving, it's entirely natural she wants to blame someone for a needless avoidable death.


Lots of people seem to think that they would know what to do if they were in the parents position.

Nevermind the fact you've got the benefit of hindsight you also don't know what else they've got going on


Why are you not blaming the tories for demolishing our NHS mental health services


You cant blame the family, and to say they brought the individual into this world and OUR COUNTRY could imply a hint of racism. I however do understand she is grieving and rational thought and words may be lost in such moments.
