Former Chancellor Has A Plan To Get The Post Brexit Economy Going!

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Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond was a Eurosceptic, but when the 2016 referendum rolled around, he backed remaining in the EU. After the vote he said that it should be done and dusted and no more going back into the EU or second referendums. But at the same time, he warned about the economic damage that would do. Now he believes the UK can grow its economy by selling services to the EU and in exchange Europeans can come work in Britain...

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Sweet Jesus, these people still think they are important!! The rest of Europe has moved on.


I am not European but I recently left the UK after a decade. I just could no longer live in a country that was so nasty to foreigners. I know it is jot everyone who is xenophobic, but when a nation elects a bunch of xenophobes and racists to represent them, that sends a strong message that you are not wanted


But why would anyone from the EU want to come here after the way we treated them? Particularly given the jobs that need filling are jobs that are horrible, badly paid and with terrible hours?

Also, will EU workers be given a decent visa to allow them to work here long term (which would mean they could rent, have relationships, settle down, get promoted, etc? OR will that upset the bigots too much?

The Tories have got so used to blaming everyone else for their mistakes, that they can't see how much damage they've caused, and just how little the EU is interested in us and our petty, spiteful, grasping behaviour any more.


if only there was a market that allowed freedom to move goods, services, labour and capital


We take away your workers and in return you open your market for British services.
EU: 🤣


why would anyone from the EU want to work in the UK after we treated them like crap and demonised them during brexit ref these politicians have lost the plot


i remember him as chancellor earning over a million a year and paid no tax on any of it.


funny, the UK's financial services needs access to the EU's single market and the UK needs EU workers.
both are UK problems not EU problems, why should the EU agree to a new deal?


Philip Hammond, 13 oct. 2017 "The enemies are out there, they’re on the other side of the negotiating table. 😠"
Philip Hammond, 14 Jan 2023 "Please please, marvellous EU, can you spare a dime? 😢 "
The EU: 😅😅


British exceptionalism at its best. "Okay, we take foreign workers, not that we need them, but we have to get something in return."
What are these people smoking ?


Don't forget a country like the Netherlands has a shortage of 100s of thousands of staff in health care, schools, security, public transport, military, etc etc... so if there are any such professionals still available in the EU, we want them here. Not have them go to the UK.


The UK. We hate the EU, europeans BUT we love money. Give us your money, MONEY!
Greed, greed, greed, we don't care for your "collaborations". Just give us money and trade!
Did we tell you we're selfish and don't care for anything else.
Peace? Bah!


*German Carmakers:* We don't need them, we're still selling cars to Britian. _Their Carmakers can't compete with us in the EU, _ or even for armoured limousines in the UK. So they need us but can't even compete for their own government's contracts.
It's a win win for us, so *why* would we want to change that?


He still hasnt accepted, that the UK is now a competitor to the EU. Partnership is gone.


Sorry, we don't 'give' you workers. Gotta pay for them. And at the moment it's not as if there's a shortage of work in the EU, so why should they bother going to the UK with all the extra hassle?


Why would anyone from an EU nation want to come here when their home country is working just fine and GB is falling apart?


Unemployment is falling in the EU, workers are needed in many EU countries.
Why would they come to the UK when they can travel to other EU countries and be able to stay for as long as they want with full residential and EU rights.


The cost of the work visa, extra payments for the same healthcare, the risk of a falling pound, the poor treatment as an EU migrant in the UK and the even worse inflation than inside of the EU simply isn't worth it if you can get a job with none of the extra cost and risk inside of the EU. And yes, I seriously considered moving to the UK in the past, but not since the Brexit vote.


As a German: In Germany we have a lack of workforce, about 2 Million. So we have no interest of opening the european Labour market to GB.


Again proves the Brits are clueless. I'm afraid on both sides of the political divide. Still wanting to cherry pick, even now they are out! You wanted to leave, you left. Now it is time to face up to the consequences and stop behaving like a spoiled child.
