David Eagleman - Interview with a Neuroscientist

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Matt interviews famous neuroscientist David Eagleman, bestselling author of INCOGNITO and host of the PBS series "The Brain". Matt and Dr. Eagleman discuss several neuroscience topics, including synesthesia, competing unconscious drives, the 2 hemispheres of the cortex, and the binary nature of brain communication.
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My only complaint is that it was too short. It ended before I got to work. Then I had to listen to my car fall apart for 15 minutes.


I read Incognito over the summer, so it was cool seeing this here :-)


Excellent interview. Keep them coming.


So... What's the function of the part in the middle separating the two hemispheres? He didn't answer that question.


Y'all tell me I was silently carrying on with my life. If in my head if I'm in love with someone is it AI's duty to read between the lines inside the brain and decode the neurons and electrons? Is this what AI is established for?


And plus what does Anosh Raj even know about childhood Trauma. What did he even know about me when he drafted an email to my dad asking him to take me to a psychiatrist? I never meant to read his mails but on a random day when I opened the laptop the gmail was logged in. I don't know who leaked that he's suggested to see us a psychiatrist, ever since my life has become like jumping on and off the hopscotch squares set ablaze. Getting me doctor prescriptions saying that I am compulsive obsessive by the order of my brain functionality neurologically. Is being self obsessive, working for myself, doing things for myself not normal or what? What for then Anosh Raj's mother sent him to IIT Bombay, and then to California and all the places? What's his mother or his wife is like then? I believe next to the terminology - socio psychopathic narccistic racistic disorder this is. Someone please ask how did Amy even enter Anosh's life. Or how did Anosh entered Amy's life. Was either of them walked out of each other's lives quietly when initially one of them said 'No' to the other? That isn't the case right?? Should I naming it after the same Compulsive obsessive disorder and make some celebrity connection from here issue them a medical certificate and send all of his family for an electric shock treatment or what? How about those women here in India whos been day dreaming that he would trun back to India one day and marry one of them cause his parents promised them? Aren't they psychos and compulsive obsessive? I was just a kid when i cried fought and wore a pink frock. Later to that I literally left the home and never returned back home in 8 years. When i underwent a rape and murder attack i went back home and touched dad's laptop. That's the same laptop I probably used to talk to Anosh. Or stalk him on Facebook back then. Celebrity connections means they all have 3-4 horns on their head or what? Or are they kind of funding for Nations well being globally or have they been selling big guns and I accidentally stalked them down and showed them to my friends and because of me they were caught or what is it? Please put one slipper garland round his neck and put his father on video conference and all of his connections on video conference and ask them which one of them are involved in ruining my life.


If this is a drama troll to make me act anxious and worked up and make me talk crazy shit about Anosh Raj's wife, only to create an evidence against me saying that I don't have good intentions about their relationship and I am trying to break them apart, I'm sorry then. I'll never sign an agreement like that. Even if any documents procured as evidences they have forged my signatures. Infact Anosh Raj's father is the one who molested me physically when I was very young. And in turn started telling everyone that I have hallucination disorder. I'm a nymphomaniac. Just tell him that nothing as such called true love ever exists. Everything fucking is a lie. The moon that you see through without any lens and external machines looks yellow in color due to the chemical reactions to which some color changes happen in the sky. But when you look through the telescope it's simply grey. I wonder if any human being's retina can capture such things as grey moon. None of us human beings are made as superficial as telescopes. So ask him to open his eyes to reality and come down to Earth and realise what his sister Alison has been upto. I don't care that his ex wife is a criminal lawyer nd her sister is a celebrity journalist. If I undergo any more attack further more, I swear on their Gods.


I want Numenta to explain about the proximity of prediction of future in the form of dreams due to rapid eye moment. And how's it co-related to a gut. And how neuro surgeons and psychiatrists are misleading this as to be a hallucination disorder. When i was in grade 2, have dreamt of eating sour black grapes. I happened to eat them after a couple of days. They bought at home without asking. If Numenta is the one who's continuously experimenting my brain I swear I'm a bitch. I'm Anosh Raj's girlfriend from India. Subutai Ahmad is the one I'm constantly being dragged by after looking 3-4 faces working with Numenta. Ever since I wrote an Email to Anosh Raj's wife in August 2021 when I found out the news about his mother's demise I never got a reply. But I have been continuously hearing a ring sound and some noise. This is more like Signal jamming to my brain. My brain has been continuously been communicated with using what technology I don't know. Which is keeping me subconsciously awake in my sleep and I'm dreaming. I'll take this forward to the International Media channel if I get a confirmation. Why are your products being sold out? What's the agenda behind building this product? Aren't neuro surgeons enough to kill people? Don't you all understand this kind of technological neuro scientific shit is beyond dangerous when put out in the hands or reach of normal human beings? Who will fucking pay for this? Who's responsible for this? Picking up dumps from the sewage and eating or eating fish burgers and chips? God knows y'all might as well be eating human flesh to experiment on how will a human neuro system will recieve the signals and shit like that. I frigging Hate y'all. I hate y'all that you keep our Indian relatives very busy. We hate y'all that you put these things out into the reaches of commoners. Frigging people are shooting films and selling it to the public. Back off, Numenta.
