Learn C# BASICS in 10 MINUTES!

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✅ Let's learn the Basics of C# in a quick Crash Course!
👍 Learn to make awesome games step-by-step from start to finish.

Learn Unity in 17 MINUTES!

Learn C# BASICS in 10 MINUTES!

What are Events? (C# Basics)

What are Delegates? (C# Basics, Lambda, Action, Func)

What are Interfaces? (C# Basics)

What are Generics? (C# Basics)

What are Loops? (C# Basics, for, while, do)

Unity Tips in 10 MINUTES!

Unity Basics for Beginners

Learn the Basics of C#!
Start off with where to write and run your code, in my case I use Visual Studio which has a free version.
Learn what are Variables, what are Types and how they store data.
Functions/Methods to keep your code organized.
Conditions with Ifs and Switch.
Collections: Arrays and Lists.
Loops: for, foreach, while, do while.
Comments and Multi-Line Comments
And finally learn about Accessors and Scope.

0:00 Introduction
1:22 Variables
2:15 Functions
3:09 Conditions
5:13 Collections
6:32 Loops
7:55 Comments
8:19 Enums
8:44 Classes
9:16 Accessors
9:54 Scope

If you have any questions post them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them.

See you next time!

#unitytutorial #unity3d #unity2d


Hello and welcome, I am your Code Monkey and here you will learn everything about Game Development in Unity 2D using C#.

I've been developing games for several years with 7 published games on Steam and now I'm sharing my knowledge to help you on your own game development journey.


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💬Are you looking for a more guided step-by-step path?
✅Learn exactly how I make my Steam games, or how to make games entirely with Visual Scripting, or learn about every Unity Tool and Feature!
C# Basics in 10 Minutes! After watching this quick video you should have the knowledge to understand almost everything in all my videos!


watching at 2x speed, I lerned c# in just 5 minuts, efficency


This is really helpful for people who have had some experience with coding in the past. Doesnt seem really beginner friendly since its really fast and it coveres a lot of topics


The best tactic:
-Watch this video, so you understand a little how C# works.
-Watch longer and more informative video of C# (this video would help u in lerning it faster).
-Watch this video when you dont program after some time so you get back on track.


For a complete beginner, this will go over their head. But after spending some time in a beginner's course and learning code, this is basically a solid cheat sheet and/or solid summary review.


I'm currently in the process of learning C# as my first coding language, and this is amazing to recap different things i learnt or for remembering stuff after i haven't programmed in a while! Great video!


This video is absolutely solid. Covers so many little 'gotchas' with regards to scope and basic syntax. As someone who switches languages / projects often, thanks for the great refresher!


Yes, we want this type of video but in more deep, with basic then advance


as someone whose learned these basics like 20 times, it was nice to have it sped up as a refresher, quick and to the point


I learnt more from this than by the entire C# Course on solo learn, Please do this on unity game engine aswell (all stuff like particle system and other)


What's awesome is the fact that you compressed all the good stuff in 10 minutes and I was able to follow the video without pausing and rewinding.


Excellent video, im trying to get familiar with C# coming from python, and I love seeing a video that doesn't make me yawn while they explain in depth or what a function is, quick and simple is *perfection*


🌍 Code Monkey on Steam!
👍 Interactive Tutorials, Complete Games and More!


Thank you. Beginner level topics broken down at the perfect pace.


Straight to the point. Great stuff.
I've watched countless C# vids but yours were far more help !


I learned Java about 6 years ago but never really used it so I've forgotten a ton. This was a great jog for my memory since I want to get started with C# for unity. Thanks for these tutorials!


thanks code monkey, i think these c# course-videos are really appreciated for many people, including me. so keep it up!


Cool! The fastest C# tutorial I've seen! 🤓👍🧡


I don’t know if you have already done this, but i am really new to c# and unity, and when I was trying to replicate some of these thing you did my code got jumbled up and i had a ton of errors. There was also a lot in visual studio that I didn’t understand. A guide on the interface of it would be great. Also, it would be nice to learn how to type code more efficiently in VS too, because I am 40 times slower then you lol. Sorry to bother if you have already made guides on these, I was just struggling with it when i tried.


I learned more from this single 10-minute Video than I did from the about 14 Lessons I spent in school with my teacher. Such a well done video!
