Chris de Burgh - Live Life Live Well (Official Video)

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This man is a treasure. May the music never end. 1992 I danced with the only woman I will ever love. I hope she is doing well. As long as she is doing well, I will be ok. It was the song, Lady in red.


Vielen vielen Dank Chris De Burgh für dieses unglaublich wunderschöne Lied. Mir kommen die Tränen. 🙏
Mein Bruder Markus war ein sehr großer Chris De Burgh Fan. Leider starb er 2004 an Krebs mit 45 Jahren. Auf seiner Beerdigung ließ ich Chris De Burgh spielen.
Heute war ich an seinem Grab und ließ das neue Lied vom Handy aus ablaufen. Ich hoffe er hat es gehört. 🥺♥️


CDB. Your concert in Melbourne in 86 was our first night out as a couple, months after our first son was born. Your vocals at our concert hall were magnificent. My wife and I shared that memory and “for Rosanna” with warmth for many years. This year I lost Deb suddenly and I miss her so much. Thank you for a shared memory I will treasure for the rest of my life. Bless you.


I am looking for me, said a man that I know
I don't know where to begin
I see in the mirror that there's somebody there
But I am not sure if it's me or it's him
I am looking for me, said the man that I know
I'm not sure how to explain
Sometimes it feels that I am only alive
When I'm out with my friends, I see me through
their eyes
But oh, don't worry
Everything will be fine
When you just live life, live well
Take your time, look after yourself
Give love, give well
I am looking for love, said the man that I know
But I have been there before
Love is an ocean where we sink or we swim
In spite of the dangers, we keep jumping in
So I told him my friend, there are no guarantees
How things will work out in the end
One day she'll tell you you're the love of her life
But take it from me, that can change overnight
But oh, don't worry
Everything will be fine
If you just live life, live well
Take your time, look after yourself
Give love, give well
But oh, don't worry
Everything will be fine
No, don't hurry
Things will work out in the end
When you just live life, live well
Take your time, look after yourself
Give love, give well
The only way to get there is to start by loving yourself
The only way to get there is to start by loving yourself


I met Chris decades ago in Bad Segeberg, Germany. We stayed with Joe Cocker in the same hotel and we were invited to be backstage during the concert. I was even permitted to say test test into the mic on the stage before the concert. Rosanna was a baby then. I got a pic with her on her daddy's arm. It was an amazing few days.🎉 which I will always cherish. Saw him again and his crew in der Steigenberger hotel when he came to Berlin for a concert.


Man you don't know how much I love your songs. its like listening the stories. A BIG THANKS FROM RWANDA(EAST AFRICA)


I've been with you for over 35 years. There is no better singer than you. Take care of yourself so that we can enjoy you for a very long time.


"The only way to get there is to start by loving yourself" - very good last line in this song :-)


The great singer. I am a big fan of his voice and high feeling in all his songs. Distinguished voice, high performance, delicate feeling, great melodies, wonderful arrangement, selected words. I pray to God to give him health, wellness and happiness
المطرب العظيم .انا من اشد المعجبين بصوته واحساسه العالى فى كل أغانيه. صوت متميز ، أداء عالى ، إحساس مرهف ، الحان عظيمه ، توزيع رائع ، أختيار كلمات منتقاه . أدعوا الله ان يعطيه الصحه والعافيه والسعاده الدائمه.


❣Die Beste Begegnung meines Lebens ❣👍Wunderschöne Musik, wunderbarer Begleiter, in guten und in schlechten Zeiten ❣👍😭😍👍Danke ❣Das es dich gibt ❣💕😎👍👍👍👍🙋🏻‍♀️❣Deine Live Konzerte sind und waren der absolute Hammer 👍😭💕😍💃🕺🎶❣❣❣❣❣❣😎😘👍🙋🏻‍♀️🤗


listening your songs for thirty years, respect and love


Крис, вы лучший! Моя 15 летняя дочь очень любит ваше творчество, пристально за ним следит, не пропускает ни одной песни. Каждый вечер моя дочь поёт ваши песни. Спасибо вам! Вы ведёте людей в нужном направлении!💓💓💓💓💓


Его голос все такой же, дарит нашим ушкам и душе удовольствие


That was awesome Chris! I have been a huge fan for 40+ years, and I love your music, everything about it. From your songwriting skills to your unique voice, you have always gotten lots of airtime on my stereo. Not much of your music gets airtime here in the USA, but everyone that I know has heard a lot of it😉.


Oh it's so, so wonderful. You are an amazing musician Chris De Burgh, and this new song is absolutely fantastic. And it is so, so wonderful to see Ireland in your home video; I truly miss living there. Your new song has filled up my heart. Thanks for being so, so wonderful.


In can spend hours listening to your music Chris. I drive 17 hours from Mexico to Arizona. Most of that time I’m listening to your beautiful music. Gracias por existir!!!


Fantastic!! I have been a Chris de Burgh fan since age 12, when I bought my first EVER LP vinyl record, called 'Lonely Sky and other Stories' by Chris de Burgh. (Spanish Train was banned in South Africa and omitted from the album). I have always appreciated the 'storytelling' songs rather than the soppy love songs, but every song has exemplified the singer/songwriter mastery of the artist, which I 100% appreciate and respect.


Je suis marocain vivant en Europe, Chris de Burgh a bercé mon enfance depuis mes 12 ans presque... je continue encore à savourer sa belle musique à mes 47 ans ! Comme on dit, un amour d'enfance ne s'éteint jamais... ! j'écris ses lignes en redécouvrant encore "Lonely Sky" ...un chef d'œuvre d'émotion et de technicité ....j'aurais aimé le rencontrer un jour, may be one day ! Thank you Chris ;-)


Saw him in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1982! Love his music and storytelling.


It was in the 1970's, while I was in the change-room of a clothing store
when I heard these haunting tunes through the loudspeaker. I asked the
clerk ... and was told the name of the singer. So, immediately after that
I went to a music store and purchased the LP "Far beyond these castle
walls" by Chris de Burgh. Needless to say, I stayed infatuated to this very
day ! Thanks . . . and much success for your new album, from a Canadian
with strong Austrian roots !
