Transpersonal Counseling Psychology at Naropa University

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The graduate Clinical Mental Health Counseling (formerly Transpersonal Counseling Psychology) programs at Naropa University take a holistic view of human psychology. Rather than viewing psychology from the perspective of mental health or illness, transpersonal psychology examines psychological experience along with the vast realm of human spiritual phenomena that include mystical or religious experiences, intuition, different states of consciousness, creativity, and contemplative practice.
We started with three concentrations—Counseling Psychology, Wilderness Therapy, and Art Therapy, and we have grown to offer six concentrations:
- Buddhism-Informed Contemplative Counseling
- Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling
- Nature-Based Transpersonal Counseling
- Somatic Counseling
- Somatic Counseling: Dance Movement Theories and Practice
- Transpersonal Contemplative Art–Based Counseling
The Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program uses a rigorous exploration of the great psychological movements of the East and West, the world's wisdom traditions, contemplative education, and practical experience to help you develop the tools to help others transcend suffering and express their fullest potential.
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We started with three concentrations—Counseling Psychology, Wilderness Therapy, and Art Therapy, and we have grown to offer six concentrations:
- Buddhism-Informed Contemplative Counseling
- Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling
- Nature-Based Transpersonal Counseling
- Somatic Counseling
- Somatic Counseling: Dance Movement Theories and Practice
- Transpersonal Contemplative Art–Based Counseling
The Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program uses a rigorous exploration of the great psychological movements of the East and West, the world's wisdom traditions, contemplative education, and practical experience to help you develop the tools to help others transcend suffering and express their fullest potential.
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