How to make housing affordable again

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Hey, do you remember the 1970s? If you can’t – and you’re a Canadian – it probably means you can’t afford a house.
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You're assuming that high housing prices are a problem that people want solved. Housing prices are so high because politicians overwhelmingly own rental properties, they are beholden to people who already have property, and without real estate propping it up Canada's economy barely even exists.


Q: Why are houses more expensive? A: Government.


Just another example of how governance ruins everything.


Easy. Get rid of all the imports. Get rid of government red tape. Get rid of municipal red tape. And get rid of those ridiculous fees, $52, 000 for what?


Also foreign property ownership needs to be stopped. There is no reason chinese billionaires need to own downtown vancouver.


The problem is too many middle-aged Canadians my age (50s) expect to retire based on the appreciation of their homes, instead of saving for their retirement (or they do not save enough). They also expect their neighbourhood to remain frozen in time as it was when they bought their house 20 years ago.


The green roof is nice but 1% to public art is kind of stupid


High home prices are a great thing for government. They can charge higher property taxes which pays for social programs no one but the politician actually benefits from.


This video journalist proposes solutions only on the supply side. But markets, of course, are also about the demand side. He makes no mention of cutting population growth or aiming towards a steady state economy. Canada has the highest per capital immigration levels on the planet. 500, 000 people a year! Cut that to 100, 000 a year and look to alternatives ways to improve our economy like other countries such as Japan. This is a HUGE part of the solution that is missed out of sheer political manipulation.


It’s all about supply and demand. We’re not building the same quantity of housing that we did back in the 1960s. Then add in mass immigration and the fact that Canadians are living longer than ever. Also take into count that vacation homes are on the rise. It all leads to a housing shortage. The solution is that we need to build more medium density houses and we need to start now!


What amazes me is that no one cares or just don't want to care. Every condo past, present and future can be used for low cost housing. Every 5th floor can be used for low cost housing plus the 4th floor is to be used for free daycare for all residents of the condo . Investor/ builders who build multimillion dollar condos can work with all three levels of government to assist with low cost housing by putting aside every 5th floor for housing and daycare on the 4th. Every time a condo is being built there are people who buy and sell as many units as possible just to make money on the backs of those who can't afford housing. I could actually but ten units of any condo with no questions and resell them many times but to make more money I can wait until every unit is sold and then sell or rent my units to the highest bidder and make a killing. Can you imagine a 300 thou unit can sell for a lot more but if we reserve low cost units those who need help can afford housing in Canada.


Maybe people shouldn't expect to live in Vancouver or Toronto. Living in a major city is not a right


I own a home and I completely agree with that last point. My house has nearly doubled in value in the last 8 years, that's just ... not right.


High housing prices are from foreign entities who came here and overbid on whole blocks of houses setting a precedence for all pricing… think China
I bought my first house at 21 and made lots of money flipping houses … impossible to do now


*Stop JustinFlation!* Move your Liberal Votes to Pierre Poilievre!


Why not create construction coop? I tried to start it but many people look at me in disbelief.


At $350 a square foot to build, housing will never be affordable for the masses. The fees are just the poker anti to play the game. Builders are not charities to help for the greater good.


That last point is dead on. Every home owner should be told by a right before he asks for their now you know why it never happens.

The solution to the housing crisis is more houses which will lower the price which will infuriate every current homeowner because his investment will lose value. There's the source of your problem. The enemy of new home buyers is existing home owners.

Hopper is right that it's a manufactured crisis but un-manufacturing it is political suicide.


Supply of land is limited by Greenbelt. Prices should go up for single family homes as land supply is limited by law.


Excellent. I was about to hit you with the monthly argument. My first house in 1980 cost $250k @ 18% interest.
Calculate the monthly with today's interest and inflation. Add the Liberal's GTA greenbelt. Add the flood of money from the richest generation in history. Inheriting from Parents.
