Why Bitcoin is the Enemy of the State

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00:00 - Introduction
03:18 - The growth of the state
05:14 - A word about the great obfuscation that is inflation - and how it causes the wealth gap
11:28 - Why Bitcoin is libertarian Utopia
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03:18 - The growth of the state
05:14 - A word about the great obfuscation that is inflation - and how it causes the wealth gap
11:28 - Why Bitcoin is libertarian Utopia


0:47 Just to add a sidenote here, the Spanish Flue did not have it's orgins on the western front. It was spread massively by the western front.
It has proven to be first seen in U.S. forts where they massed their armies on the continental United States.
With some links tracing it further to China, although that connection is still being debated by historians and no consensus is likely to be reached.
The only reason it was named the Spanish flue and not the American flue was due to the censors not letting it be written in newspapers due to morale.
Spain did not have these censors as it was not part of the war and so the first "discovery" of the flue was made in Spain.


1:20 That's a prisoner's dilemma situation. All countries have incentive to lengthen their economic staying power by switching to fiat money supply.


It's soo good see another great video from this channel after a very long time.


Bro you're back!? I'm so happy.


Bitcoin can also be tracked, imagine giving governments the ability to know everything you do financially


if saving is rewarded too much in comparision of spending, woudn't economy will suffer?


The same can be said of precious metals except people already value them. Pixels are hard for people to value. Scarcity doesn't give something value if no one cares about it. There's very little of my personal feces for sale. Strangely, the demand is still low.


Can you tell me about the application you use to make videos


It is a wonderfull video. Could I record a voice in Potuguese and put it on my channel?


Deny your government of the control of money, and let the government that has the control of their money take you over, then you can deny the control of money of your new government.
Increase the wage, then blame corporations for eliminating jobs and moving jobs to elsewhere.


Mostly a really good video, but there are some jarring problems. For example - the wealth gap is not just between "everyone else" and this nebulous "financial sector" it's also between everyone and those that own the means of production, to use a common phrase that makes some people mad. It is inherent to capitalist systems that wealth flows upward and if you don't address that, you aren't saying that there is a problem with the wealth gap, you are saying that the gap is not between the right people. It's nice to praise hard work, but no one works hard enough to make billions (and that's already a generous level). There is no point in changing one master for another, it will only affect the average person negatively without any meaningful improvement once the outcome settles - just like a war.

Probably the best part is the observation how different tax types penalize labor. But that segment kind of doesn't go anywhere with only a little bit at the end that is really nebulous? Probably because it can be achieved without any massive changes in economic systems, simply penalizing hoarding wealth - but that would not be something libertarians would like either, probably even more.

Also, I find it a bit weird to listen all about how war is bad when it's very common to read/here libertarian viewpoints where the defense of property and the country is pretty much the main thing that libertarians like to pay taxes for.

Lastly - I am curious to how libertarians think no state involvement means more/better/cheaper welfare. Genuinely - so if someone can comment on a source where I could read about that, I would be interested.

Bottom line - I enjoyed your historical videos more - I hope those are coming back (or at least choosing better books to adapt).


Man I’m only 4:40 into this video and it’s absolutely outstanding. Such an intriguing concept and idea.


The ultimate, energy-expensive fiat money.


Bitcoin is supported value wise by value of other currencies, when they die it dies. Fiat money, though the best made imo. Definitely disagree on overal thesis.


Philippine peso is still backed by gold though


how are highways etc. built, maintained? paradox


The Spanish flu had it's origin in China but otherwise great video.


This vid aged like milk. Except many of us knew the milk was spur to begin with an didn't buy into it


Very interesting concept, you can see through the contrasts between Fiat and value backer currency the reason why we use it. There would have to be events in order of magnitude of a couple more world wars for bankers to give up the kind of power they hold.

It has been estimated that a fifth of the entire world's production value disappears into the pockets of bankers through interest and inflation.
