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Thank you for watching my youtube channel. My name is Wayne Goss and often known on youtube as gossmakeupartist. I give beauty tips, makeup techniques and reviews on all things makeup and skincare related. If you’re looking to pick up tips and tricks to up your makeup game, then i really hope you find this channel useful. I give beauty and makeup techniques that i hope will change the way you view makeup and make it a more fun and easy process.


Unless stated nothing in the video is sponsored or a paid advertisement. Often companies will kindly gift products. This however does not mean I have to review a product favourable. Gifted products do not come with any conditions. I am free to speak about them however I feel. Please note however that i do sometimes include affiliate links. These do not effect the price you pay for products but allow me to make a small commission on sales if you do purchase. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you.

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I am 73 years old and I literally love your channel watched it since the beginning I also don't leave my house much a little bit of agoraphobia Plus I'm a widow I just started a small YouTube channel myself and I want to tell you I have been using your technique just started it of putting the primer on then the powder and then the makeup preferably with pushing in with the sponge like you have recommended from the beginning you were the original one that thought of this I was a makeup artist back when I was young I never knew that trick and it is working wonderful for older mature women I know you were the originator of that concept I watched another person's video and it reminded me that you are the one that started that for mature women and you have done a lot of things for mature women that have helped us so much God bless you and you never look old you are fabulous inside and out ❤️


"I really don't like to leave the house."
Same here. ❤️


I’m a 71 yr old who just loves and appreciates your help and advise. Thank you


We're delighted you chose to feature our skin-transforming home lasers in this video. Tria UK are huge fans of your work!


I’ve had a Tria Laser Hair removal device since 2007, and it still works!!! I just used it last week… when I first purchased it, I was more consistent, then I just pull it out to treat random hairs that show up In unwanted areas …. I totally agree with you Wayne, it’s a great investment that you can do in the privacy of your home 👍🏻😉


I have to thank you for recommending the current body led mask. I bought it early on in the year, i use it every night before i sleep and do my skincare and since using it my skin has never been better. I NEVER get spots now having suffered with acne for over 20 years!


Hey Wayne! You are my no.1 makeup guru; honestly, you've taught me so, so much. I was pretty lost and never had someone close to me who could have taught me things like makeup so I was on my own. But with you, I feel like I have this sort of parent who gives me great tips and teaches me what I need to know to look my best. I love how you always emphasise that everyone's face is different and no one makeup look will look good on everyone. That has genuinely been a lifesaver for my makeup game. Plus, you love natural looks more than full glam which is exactly up my alley!

I wanted to ask if you would maybe consider doing a natural looking foxy eye tutorial? There's a lot of those around already and I feel like the hype around it is already dying, but I would love to see your take on that as most that I've found online are these full glam versions of it and I'd prefer something more natural and subtle, the way you do makeup.

Best wishes,
Kat ❤


I have the Tria Age Defying Laser and I can attest to its efficacy. I noticed definite tightening, a reduction in age spots and improved texture. I don’t find it painful but it can be a bit “nippy” during application and there is some redness after. Over time though my skin has adjusted and I don’t stay pink/red for long. I’ve just picked it back up a year later for another round. At-home devices do indeed work, but it really does take patience and regular use. ♥️


Thank you Wayne for always sharing great tips, gadgets and advices. Love your channel!


I just love you!!!! You are such a pleasant, kind, considerate AND fun, person. I admire how you've handled your success. You're still the Wayne we all know and love. Happy New Year to you, and I wish you continued success, health and happiness. xoxo


A suggestion, I’ve had laser & very effective. After treatment she has a small ice pack that she wraps in a paper towel & pats it on the area for a few seconds then moved to next area. She might do a minute on treated area. That will reduce any redness or swelling


I had been doing microcurrent IN OFFICE for at least 10 years. One thing I noticed is that it's accumulative. Most of the clients who were treated for a long period of time looked significantly younger than clients that opted out of the microcurrent. With the pandemic, I was forced to continue on my own at home and bought a Nuface trinity. Thank god for muscle memory, because I'm finally getting back to where I was before the pandemic.


Really nice and useful video! Thanks so much Wayne!

Finally someone mentioning products like Tria laser ... As a Mediterranean lady (yep, we ARE hairy and happy with it 😝) I have tried Tria laser too and the results are amazing... I started using laser therapies when I was about 15 (at beauty salon for the face mainly). Now, laser machines have actually become much better and it's definitely worth using! It's been quite a few years that I bought my own laser machine and I use it regularly at home - saved so much time and money this way! But yes, it's true what you said... Using it often will help you see great results! I didn't buy Tria at home since it was too expensive for my pockets back then. However, the one I have still works miracles and I use it for almost every part of the body. I plan to buy a new one soon, with ice cooling soon (mine is a bit older so no ice cooling... Which means I have to suffer during the summers here)... Also, the device at 9:57 seems really useful... I had a small massage device for the eye area and I suppose it works like that... Thank you so much for the suggestions!

PS: lovely background, with the Christmas tree 🎄🎅 ☺️ enjoy the last month of the year and the holidays!! ☺️


You are the cutest content creator. Ever. Love the recommendations and love your character even more.


You really ARE a Super Hero; you always make me smile! I loved seeing you in your mask. 💜💜💜


Just want to tell you, you look beautiful Wayne ❤️ in case no one has told you x. All that hard work for your skin is showing.


I have a couple of devices that I use. LED mask, a laser thing and a Nu Face. My fave is the LED mask. I like giving myself nice treatments and if they are a temporary or instant gratification, that works. Not going to spend thousands of dollars on professional treatments. And.. I don't like to leave the house. Yup.


I have a Kenniz hair removing laser and I love it! It takes a bit to see no hair but it has been worth the time spent. I also have a red light mask that I use every other day and a couple of my brown spots are almost gone and my lip wrinkles are also much improved. I just purchased the Ferro face mask and I love that in 90 seconds I am done and my skin feels great! I also have a NuFace that I try to use every other day. You have some great products and I must say I am thrilled that I have & use most of them. Thanks 😊


Thanks so much for sharing. Your skin looks amazing. Definitely seeing improvements


I’m definitely a FOREO lover I use the toothbrush, the Luna 3 plus, the UFO 2, the bear and the espada, I also have the Luna 3 mini and bear mini for travelling. Every one of these products is amazing!
