Masters of the Universe Revelation 2021 Created He Man's Sword of Power

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Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 1

As a sequel to Filmation's classic cartoon He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, from He-Man superfan Kevin Smith, is a bonafide blast.
Developed and designed to be a follow up for like-minded Eternia stans, this new series might not play the same for those with little knowledge of the original, but for those familiar with these characters (and the old action figures and play sets), Masters of the Universe: Revelation superbly spins the story on its head and approaches the lore in a fun and satisfyingly modern way -- even expanding parts of it that weren't previously explained.

Revelation is chock full of twists, turns, and bold new takes on a few of the characters, but it also makes a point to honor the past. Nothing new presented here negates the previous series, which was born of a massively successful Mattel toy line and ran for 130 episodes in the mid-'80s. It only drives the saga forward in a more mature and serialized fashion -- in ways more aligned with both modern animation and Golden Era TV.

This is definitely a more adult-oriented spotlight for He-Man and company, but it's not full-tilt rated-R fare like Amazon's Invincible. This is still a solid family-friendly adventure, but it shows characters dealing with more serious problems and making harder choices. The first episode, "The Power of Grayskull," drops fans into the ongoing battle between good and evil -- between He-Man and Skeletor -- that served as the spine for the entire original series. Then, after making sure the original recipe formula was being honored and acknowledged, it blows everything up quite spectacularly. What then follows is an exciting and giddily rewarding journey that makes new and wonderful use of the ensemble.

The voice cast for Revelation is top-notch, but the real star is the story and what the series does with the characters. Sure, it's awesome to hear Mark Hamill as Skeletor, Sarah Michelle Gellar as Teela, Game of Thrones' Lena Headey and Liam Cunningham as Evil-Lyn and Man-At-Arms, respectively, and many more big name talents, but the surprising draw here is the fact that He-Man, more or less, is secondary to this tale, at least for these first five episodes.
Prince Adam and He-Man (voiced by Supergirl's Chris Wood) are important, but they really serve as backdrop. In a manner similar to how Max acts as a lesser lead to Furiosa in Mad Max: Fury Road, Revelation draws upon the might and majesty of He-Man to facilitate others' arcs. Basically, this is Teela's show. In taking this approach, Revelation can act both as a stunning sequel and also a wondrous "What If?"-type spinoff for those viewers unwilling to accept some choices as pure canon.

David S. Goyer reveals details about his script for Masters of the Universe back from 2017 that would have focused on He-Man and Battle Cat.

David S. Goyer shares the plans for his scrapped Masters of the Universe film. He-Man is making a big return to the pop culture landscape with the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Revelations from writer and director Kevin Smith, which will premiere on Netflix on July 23, 2021. The Masters of the Universe property was one of the biggest toy lines of the 1980s and spawned a popular animated series, a spin-off cartoon in the form of She-Ra, and even a live-action film in 1987.
Shortly following the massive success of Transformers in 2007, work on a modern live-action film of Masters of the Universe began. Originally developed by Warner Bros., the project moved over to Sony Pictures in 2009 where the studio has struggled to get the project off the ground.
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If you aren't forging blades from Heaven and Hell by turning the entire tower into a fire tornado and adding the heart's blood of a robot's soul, then why even bother?


Roboto after the sword is forged : Well that didn't seem too difficult I wonder what all the fuss was about
*sword sparks*
Roboto realizing what's about to happen : Oh


And, as he dies, he admitted he felt fear. But this fear didn't bring him down. It lifted him up, for it let him know that, mechanical or not, he was truly alive.


That's an immortal robot that reforges the most powefull sword of the univers... then dies when he realizes he was alive all along, he came to heaven to accomplish his duty, and died in heaven. Amazing.


How forcibly combining those two lego pieces by force feels like


Leave it to Roboto to reforge the Sword of Preternia and Subternia back into the Sword of Power. For something that is only a machine the robot got guts.


The only good scene of such terrible miniseries


What a trash of a series it was but thank God I'm washing the bad taste out of my mouth with he new one


Kind of a homage to the original toy line story where Skeletor had one half and heman the other. And you needed both halves to open the Castle Grey-skull playset. :)


I love the colors on this scene, as Roboto forges the Sword of Power again. It looks amazing!


I love the idea that the swords repel each other but Roboto is forcibly combining them. You can see the amount of force required to assimilate them.


I love all his POV shots! Seeing his screen scramble, with all the warnings, and he just proceeds as a master. Such nice details!


honestly would have been cool to just have a dual wielding he man


roboto walked so that he-man could run

damn he'll be missed


Unironically roboto was the best character in the entire series. He went out like a G. Rest in peace. You were truly alive.


First Orko, then Roborto, then Dinobot and Then Elita-1. I am coming miss this guys. 😓😰😭😢


Does he have to be destroyed? Been liking Roboto since the 80s, sniff.


A great scene. This show made me love a few characters I used to not give a sh-t about or even didn't like at all. These being Evil Lynn, Roboto and Orko.


Now this is what I want to know: If Roboto is utterly decimated by this process, how on Earth would Duncan have forged the sword of power? If he knows how to forge the sword, I assume that's why Roboto comes along with them in the first place: so that Duncan doesn't die.


Everybody: You think masters of the universe revelation was a great show?

Me: I do. And I'm tired of pretending that it's not
