Why America Has Failed To Contain COVID19 Virus!

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In my recent experience of being in 14-day mandatory quarantine in South Korea has made me realize why America has failed to contain #COVID19 virus. We simply did not do enough at the airports to prevent the virus from coming into the country, in fact we literally did nothing while other countries like South Korea took it serious and required 14-day mandatory quarantine for anyone entering the country. Without drastic measures, more people will die and I believe it's still not too late. The TSA/federal government needs to step up their game otherwise this virus will never end.

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Several years ago when I entered Incheon airport I remember walking down a corridor and passing a mounted device that checked my temperature. Cant tell you how Impressed I was. Even then South Korea was doing it right before COVID. There is a lot we can learn from in the US.


We know from flossy carter your a stand up dude. Thanks for the info. Major major major major GO


Thanks for the info Max. Hopefully it helps as many people as possible. Stay safe Max.


There's no federal leadership in America right now. The current Administration had no plan and still doesn't have a plan.


Hey Max covid-19 is ramping up here again in the UK over 12, 000 new confirmed cases in 24hr period.
All thanks to stupid people who are mixing irresponsibly and endangering themselves and others.
It's going to be even worse this time round, god help us all. Stay safe Max & every body else :)


All the blame go to who's running the country. Starting with congress to president to speaker to governors. All they do is argue and act crazy


the problem is the second the federal government gets in involved the state governments will say they are overstepping and violating the laws the reason covid spread is cause certain states in the us refused to shut down florida is a prime one couldn't pass on that spring break still think it's weird that no one i know or any the people they know have got covid


The problem was that the US only closed the border to China when it was jumping to other counties already. Once there's community spread it's already too late.


What ever trump does it will never be good enough


Well said mate. Here in Western Australia we're virtually cut off from the rest of the country with hard border. Australians can't even travel internationally unless approved by government. We've had 27, 136 cases and 894 deaths with 24, 725 people recovered. Would say we're kind of lucky, but our state and federal government's here took it seriously and yes it was, and still is a PITA, not being able to travel but at least it squashed the curve and life is somewhat normal. Hopefully you time in quarantine passes quickly and you get to spend quality time with your parents. Thanks for your content, I stay high on Android following you!


Wow. Such a good point. so people with Covid-19 from non-restricted countries are still coming in. I have the impression all travel was suspended. At least international.


Comparing Taiwan with the province across the strait, Fujian, Taiwan doesn’t do any better, if not worse.

Fujian has 1.6 times of population than Taiwan, and has no authority to shut down its border with other provinces. Still, Fujian has less confirmed cases, less death, only more cured cases.

To enforce the anti-China trend, DPP authority announced a ban to export masks in January. The ban itself is actually fine by me. 90% of the masks sold in Taiwan came from mainland China, it’s reasonable for them to ban mask export. Because Chinese companies were purchasing PPEs all over the world. If there were no ban, Taiwan’s stocks would be cleared within days.

Then Taiwan began to play mask diplomacy game. Later it tried to gain some political support by donating masks to many countries, while Taiwan people were struggling to find masks in local store.


Yes, you are right, but also is a matter of education and common sense. America at a citizen level is a chaotic country.👍


I live in Melbourne, Australia. We had 8 new cases in our state yesterday and 12 today. We are still only allowed to leave the house for 2 hours within a 5 kilometre radius unless going to work.


Max, you are just telling the Truth. Love all of your videos, keep posting.


I'm a doorman here in downtown manhattan and I can assure that nobody cared during and after the infamous lockdown we had. I mean take of your mask and party all you want after we fall to second place when it comes to infections and deaths.


I was able to travel to different states and stay at their hotels and fill out a piece of paper stating that I was “quarantined” for 14 days


Being able to pay for a hotel is a luxury. If govt pays ok but I know many that can't pay for two weeks at a hotel. Long time sub. Love you Max and thank you for doing your part to get this thing under control.


if it's day 3 then you'll be out in 11 days not 9 as you said, seems like the quarantine is already affecting you!


@Max Lee When going out, do you wear safety goggles along with your face mask?
