Quantum Healing Session- Truth or Falsehood?

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My heart chakra vibes with the info, aswell as my intuition....much love Candace!! ❤


The messages come through these sessions are always of highest wisdom I felt from HC or higher beings.The messages as if they have bigger picture always and they leave hints about the bigger picture too most of the times which rules out the falsehood. Instant healings for some, Instant energy shifts for some post session would make us understand these are not falsehood
Not only Client, Practitioner would also get to see many energy shifts in their Aura or healings for themselves too.
Low level Messages would also often come and then you get to see the difference from where its coming.


I used to ignore my gut, but I don't anymore. I actually, physically become uncomfortable when something feels false. I pay attention now.


Hi Candace! My answer is that truth is determined by each individual because we are all creating our own experiences. My truth may not be someone else's truth, and that's okay because it is all being created through individual consciousness. We can know our truth by the way our bodies react to any information we hear, and some of us know because we are energy sensitive. I trust everything that comes from a quantum healing session for my client because it is THEIR energy that calls in the answers to their questions. The info may not be my personal truth, but it helps the client, and that is the most important thing. Anyhoo, I don't know if you have heard of Christine Day, but she has this awesome project (Diamond Arc of Light) going on that you may be interested in. I know you are wicked busy but I want to share with you in case you'd like to join. It seems like the project will only require a couple hours per week of anyone's time with massive shift results for individual participants and Earth, and all of us who participate as a collective. Maybe it can be shared on quantumhealers.com? I think I'll share it there instead of blowing up this comment box. As ever, I am so very grateful for the program of hypnosis and quantum healing that you created and lovingly continue to support! Sue Beckley


its trusting our intuition and having belief in self, theres no forcing, just flow.👍🏼


When my heart buzzes and I find peace with it - I know it is legit. Love


I usually figure it out later, after I sit with it for a bit. Good to see you, Candace! 💕


From my experience, this healing can be felt .


The Guru-Free philosophy of your group has always been my favorite part of your community. When we take away anything dogmatic and really listen to each other, there’s so much wisdom to be shared! Different perspectives is one of the biggest assets a community can have. Thank you for bringing so many incredible peeps together 🫶


My question ❓ is quantum healing can that help you determine what past life 🧬 you have had 😮
