Have You Got a Minute? (LIVE Time Management Skills Masterclass)

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Your time management skills are affected by other peoples’ demand on your schedule. Tight schedules demand that managers learn to say ‘no’. However, do so politely. Before you say no to a work request, consider the consequences of declining the offer. Some people may manipulate you, or urge you to accept additional work duties, despite knowing your tight schedule. Never give in to this pressure. Moreover, it is impossible to take all responsibilities asked of you. However, if you decide to listen to the argument of the other person, set your time frame to hear them out.

Furthermore, consider the request before giving your comments. You could say, ‘I have 3 mins’. Your team member must then be succinct with what needs to be said. Keep your explanation straightforward.

Nicholas Hill recommends that if you want to develop your time management skills then avoid taking over certain jobs from other team members, whenever possible and appropriate to do so. Instead, learn to coach your delegatees and team members on how to handle tasks independently.

In this short video clip, you will witness Nicholas Hill teach on this subject during our two-day time management masterclass for senior managers, entitled Leader Efficiency. Nicholas Hill delivered this training course from our head office in London during March 2020. Each of our eight course modules are original, which provoke provocative debate and strategic thinking.

Enrol onto one of our upcoming UK-wide masterclasses, or book a 1-2-1 mentoring programme with Nicholas Hill. Alternatively now book this course as an in-house tailored solution.

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