6 Ways To Journal Like Marcus Aurelius (Stoicism)

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6 Ways To Journal Like Marcus Aurelius (Stoicism)

In this video we will talk about 6 ways to journal from the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius. Marcus Aurelius was the emperor of Rome from 161 to 180 AD. He is considered as the last of the Five Good Emperors and one of the most influential Stoic philosophers. His work continues to inspire to this day, thanks to his daily journaling practice. Aurelius’ journals were gathered together posthumously and were published as Meditations, although it is unknown precisely when the work first appeared. Journaling enabled Aurelius to take a step back from the pressures of being an emperor and reflect objectively on the world around him so that he could ground and center himself. Journaling also enabled him to keep his mind in top condition, as well as giving him a record he could review at the end of the day to see if he really had been his best self.
The ancient practice of journaling has many practical applications in the modern world. It is a form of daily reflection that will keep you focused on your goals and help you live your best life, so with that in mind, in this video we bring you six ways to Journal like Marcus Aurelius.

So here are six ways to journal like Marcus Aurelius:
01. Express Yourself Freely
02. Write about your sage
03. Write about the worst possible outcome
04. Reflect on your day
05. Be Grateful
06. Be consistent
I hope you enjoyed watching 6 Ways To Journal Like Marcus Aurelius find the lessons helpful in your life.

Even though Marcus Aurelius wrote it 2,000 years ago — his insights on Stoicism still carry strong weight today. Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. Even though it is over 2000 years old, more and more people are discovering how Stoicism is not only relevant to modern times, but can be applied in very simple, yet strong ways.

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Marcus Aurelius says “Dig deep within yourself, for there is a fountain of goodness ever ready to flow if you will keep digging”.

We hope that you enjoyed this video and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching.


I'm 38 and in need of a new solid life plan after ending a long term relationship. Philosophies for life is a fountain of medicine. Thank you. Truly.


Journaling is very helpful for getting into the flow state. I appreciate the stoics for their contemplative nature


I think the best thing about journaling is that it allows you to be completely open about everything. Looking at yourself and life with an unfiltered view is really important to ensure success.


Since age 15, I have done written, audio and video journaling, and I am now in my 81st year.


👍You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength

-Marcus Aurelius


Although I’m not a person who is doing journalling regularly, I find this lecture really interesting. I particularly like the idea about the best case scenario and worst case scenario. If we have an idea about the worst possible outcome nothing can hurt us. The dichotomy of control is a really good concept!


The habits we pursue have so many different effects, that it makes sense to track a whole array of different things!


Crazy how the universe works. I just started journaling 3 days ago. This morning I was searching for videos on Marcus Aurelius and this is the first video I come across. Thank you. Instant new subscriber


your videos REALLY REALLY help. i'm grateful that you exist.


I am very grateful for you work, it is a very concise yet well explained video, and improved my journaling routine. My deepest thanks!


I have been journaling on and off for 10 years. Then after a horrible breakup, my mind was so blinded on my ex that it started to blame me for the breakup. Reviewing my notes on my journal reminded why. It was a good idea to end the relationship. It was a very bad relationship and the daily journals I have kept showed me the way. It was instrumental for my recovery. I highly recommend you to start journaling now. (I use day one)


Thank You for the wonderful video on Journaling! I’m starting the habit this evening. Stay well friend.👍🏻☯️🙏🏻❤️


My Project is all about telling the story of the building of the "Original Transcon-RR", and having issues concerning collating data into bullet-points I can refer to as I speak to my audience. Concentration in-face of "overwhelming" information overload is daunting, and quitting before results' obtained, is spirit-damaging. This video helps me to open up my journal writing to better usefulness as a sharpened tool to overcome this deficiency. Thanks. PS...I am ordering the Journal.


Hi would you like to make a video on 'The Bhagavad Gita.' The translation of Ranchor prime is really good and reliable. Would really like if you could make a video on this timeless classic's philosophy. And really thank you for your videos😁


Wonderful education for me. Thank you.


Great video. Wrote the highlights on my journal. 😉


Can anyone recommend good books on stoicism?


these videos r just so good. ur voice is nice too


My role model ( sage) is Marcus Aurelius!
