Fusion 3.0: Uncovering NASA's Nuclear Breakthrough

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Researchers working at NASA have recently published more findings on their new type of nuclear fusion, giving options for a third type of fusion! They have called it a new shortcut to fusion power. If current limitations can be fixed, this could mean far space missions and reactors on earth could use this technology. It promises to be safer and smaller than current methods using inertial confinement fusion and magnetic confinement fusion.


Title inspired by Future electric's great video on Solar 3.0:

This video was sponsored by Brilliant

#Fusion # NASA #Energy #Renewable
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To be clear, this is NOT an April Fools joke! I should have realised it was a bad idea posting this video on April the 1st, but never mind! This is very real and there is a link to more information in the description.

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This breakthrough makes me think that a successful fusion reactor is just 30 years away from being a reality!


A couple of comments. 1. Lattice confinement of Deuterium is a transient state. Quite unlike a battery. As soon as the metal lattice is Charged it starts to heat up.
2. 2.9+ Gamma radiation causes a tunneling through the electrostatic barrier to promote D-D fusion. The rest of the reaction produces a protron and Tritium or a neutron and helium3 the metal matrix Erbium can become an Isotope of Er or Thulium. Which means that the Erbium matrix cannot be re-charged with Deuterium. Thus the life of the reaction is short. It is also not energetic enough to create a positive energy balance.


To power the gamma beam I see them using a tokamak reactor powered by a fusion gun reactor powered by a windmill, which, after 30 more years of development, will do the job quite handily.


It's still cold fusion. It's just that mainstream academia won't admit their attacks on Fleischmann and Pons were wrong. Instead of doing a thorough investigation of their experiment, it was easier to attack them because that process didn't fit the accepted models for fusion.


"Practical fusion energy being just 30 years away" and "daily new battery technology breakthrough that never reaches production" walks into a bar. You won't believe what happened next!


So basically, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons were correct, amazing how it was rediscovered and rebranded.


LENR 2.0
Ponz and Fleishman are back again


This is extremely close in concept to the work started by Pons and Fleichman. I'm sure NASA would never want to call it cold fusion for this reason. Nevertheless, I am convinced that fusion will be achieved by a subtle means rather than the brute force methods. Imo the lasers and adiabatic toroidal compressors are wasting time and money.


It's counterintuitive to me. I'd think that the Coulomb barrier near the nucleus would be far higher than the Coulomb barrier out in the electron orbitals. But if experimental result disagrees with my intuition, I guess people probably have to tend toward what really works.


This used to be called Cold Fusion. I guess if it's renamed to Lattice Confinement Fusion people will forget it's already failed once. Saying, "not to be confused with Cold Fusion" is hilarious since the proposed mechanism for how Cold Fusion was supposed to work is exactly the mechanism described in the video, the coulomb barrier being reduced by confinement in the metallic electrodes, which lead to much hunting for a magic sauce when making electrodes. The crucial thing is whether neutrons are emitted or not. You can tell whether it's fusion or not by whether or not neutrons are being emitted. It will come to nothing anyway.


Is this not just cold fusion ? i dont believe the "cold" in cold fusion actually refers to fringed temperatures, just room temperature, instead of the thousands of degrees necessary for normal fusion.


Super intriguing, good to see some tangible options coming through for fusion.


At first I thought it was real and I was very excited, then I realized today is April 1st so this is probably an April Fools prank, and now after watching this I don’t have a clue about if the future is in matrices or if the surface is where we stay. Science.

Jokes aside, really cool discovery you talked about here. Wonder how this research will be used in future applications now that we are becoming more aware of the necessity for clean, safe, and long-term solutions our energy consumption intra-planet and even maybe one day inter-planet.


Dead end: The energy required to produce the gamma beam will exceed the energy produced and converted into electricity from fusion.


It's not cold fusion it's lukewarm fusion


Lattice confinement fusion just sounds like cold fusion? That’s how cold fusion was said to have worked.


the earliest patents on deuterated metal fusion are from the 1920s. NASA did not invent this they developed the idea further


Very interesting and nicely explained. 👍


Love your channel.just a question: The proposed "cold fusion"batterie by Fleischman and Pons in the 1980's also used the molecular grid of Chrystals, and cold still meant compared to usual plasma.The batterie is actually further used in Israel, but at the time F&P presented their discovery, they hadn't worked out all in an era BP hadn't invited the term carbon footprint yet, and hadn't the Clima change policy, that somehow made the fossil fuel industry amazing profits.
