Flask Tutorial templates, webforms, database and user logins - Part 1

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Flask Tutorial templates, webforms, database and user logins - Part 1

Flask Tutorial templates, webforms, database and user logins - Part 1

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to set up a Flask project.
By the end of this chapter part 1 you are going to have a simple Flask web application login system

below is a list.
1. Templates
how to work with templates
2. Web Forms
how to work with web forms
To handle the web forms in this application we will use the Flask-WTF extension
install Flask-WTF in your virtual environment:
(venv) $ pip install flask-wtf
3. Database
how to work with databases.
To install Flask-SQLAlchemy in your virtual environment, make sure you have activated it first, and then run:
(venv) $ pip install flask-sqlalchemy
4. User Logins
how to create a user login subsystem
install Flask-Login in your virtual environment:
(venv) $ pip install flask-login
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