Is the Rosary a Weapon?

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Every now and then, I’ll come across someone who gets offended when another Catholic posts something or says something that shows their appreciation for the Rosary as a weapon. And we’ve all met people like this – they tend to be more pacifist in their philosophy, and they tend to treat anything associated with weapons or armed conflict as intrinsically evil.

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St. Padre Pio called it " his weapon " against the evil


St. Dominic and his friars carried the Rosary on the left side, the side where a sword is carried, as a reminder that the Rosary is a weapon against spiritual assault. Amazing talk Brian!


St Pio always said: bring me my weapon.


If you are fighting any addiction in your life, The Blessed Virgin Mary will crush it within a few months, if the Rosary is prayed devoutly everyday. I am speaking from experience.


The Rosary brought me back to the Church, and I pray it every day.


The Eastern Orthodox are happy to affirm that the Psalter (150 psalms) is a "weapon" against the enemy, per the words of the Fathers.

Our Lady called the Rosary, "my psaltery" (15 decades) and thus it is a "weapon."

So it is a weapon. Also, the Rosary was prayed to win the Battle of Lepanto (i.e. the battle whereby Europe can remain Christian, not Islamic, and thus America can even exist), so the Pope called the Feast Day "Our Lady of Victory" therefore - later renamed "Our Lady of the Rosary" therefore.


This goes hand in hand with what I've been saying about my fellow siblings in Christ for years, we've grown too weak and frail. People, even Christian ones, assume that being Christian is essentially a pacifist religion - that under no circumstances should we bare arms to defend ourselves, others or our ways of life. This line of thinking also makes the claim that our Lord is all loving and it's truly starting to rub me the wrong way. No, God is not all loving, God is all good - to claim He is all loving is to claim that He loves anything and everything when we know that is not the case as the very foundation of our religious practice is to hate sin as God does. Second, imagine if Christians of the early ages believed the same things modern Christians do, that even holding a weapon is to enact unjust violence - well, news flash, if that where the case our faith would've been crushed under Islam expansionism in 1095. Instead, the Christians at the time rightly took arms against the aggressive expansionism of Islam and fought back and it is because of their bravery that Christianity thrives. Christianity is as much of a religion of kindness, love and softness as it is self defensive, hard and rugged. There is a duality and that duality is being ignored and it makes us weaker.


If one doubts that the rosary is a weapon, they should just try it out against the evil inside of themselves. (It works)


The rosary is pre-figured in scripture by the most famous weapon in the Bible, David's sling that he killed Goliath with. A sling with 5 stones. Just like the rosary is a string with 5 decades. 1 Samuel 17:40


It is both a love song and a weapon. Ave Maria!


When I pray the rosary every day, I literally can not commit mortal sin. It is my defense against temptation.


Hi, Brian. Thank you so much for your work. Voices like yours are also powerfull weapons in these strange times. As my mom always said to me every morning before school: "May our lady cover you with her cloth"


Full confession: I saw the theme, and I thought this was going to be another flavor of the reactions to that Atlantic article from a few years ago… I was dead wrong.
This is phenomenal.


The rosary is a weapon against Satan! What's wrong with that!!?


Thank God! A well speaking intelligent young man espousing Catholic traditional devotion for the victory of Christ over evil in men’s lives. Women as well, but our focus is on men here. Thank God. Blessed be


Anything can be a weapon… with proper motivation and technique.


Thanks Brian! Keep up the great work!


Not being brought up Catholic or any church at all, I remember the hymns from school assembly back in the 60s and 70s. "Put on the gospel armour, and watching unto prayer, where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there" and "..marching as to war, with the Cross of Jesus, going on before". There was a real sense that we were in a spiritual battleground. The protestants have long abandoned that, it's all happy feelings nowadays. And many in the Catholic Church want to. Even the Catholic hymnbook our parish uses has been watered down to remove all "non-inclusive" language or reference to warfare.


This is a good question. Just as icons are not holy objects, but windows to what we believe, the rosary is not a "weapon" in its physical form. It strengthens our faith and prompts our remembrance of knowledge; it is our knowledge and our faith that move mountains and defeat evil, not a string of beads with a symbol attached.

Anglican /Episcopal church members have re-started "praying with beads". I had resisted at first, having been at home with toddlers who would just wear me down with their requests, and not wanting to "nag God into taking action". But the format I found was remembering and reciting the promises made to us, variations on the theme of "I was in trouble and stretched out my hand and God saved me from my terror, " and "God is faithful, trust in Him." It was reinforcing my faith and understanding, which was often very stressed and tested. The rosary is a very good tool for strengthening our connection and faith.


I think the various catholic sites selling masculine heavy paracord "combat-type" rosaries may be a good thing in encouraging men to say the rosary which has been viewed, over the last few, as a "women's" devotion with delicate fancy rosaries.
