Making a 10% Gain per Month Trading the Financial Markets

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How much capital is needed to start trading? Charlie Burton, trader and educator comments. Is it feasible to expect to make a 10% gain per month trading the financial markets? What type of returns do you target? You seem to favour making small and constant gains? These days the way the brokers are working you can trade in pennies per pip - you can literally be risking a few pounds on a trade. Of course you can make a 10% gain but that would imply taking higher risks. If you make a rule like wanting to make 1000 pounds a day, what you are actually doing is imposing a rigid structure into your trading which sounds like the right thing to do but what happens if you underperform? And what happens if you make more? Do you stop trading? Do you like to make small and constant gains or do you target the big returns?
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