The Most Overrated Rock Album

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This reminds me of 90's Sonic the Hedgehog. You see, back then Sonic wasn't what was just on the screen, there was a story behind those pixels, and a lot more than people realize. But nowdays, people associate Classic Sonic with being a mute, milktoast version of the normal Sonic, complete with 16 bit sound effects every 2 seconds. People just accept this as being what old Sonic always was, completely forgetting the stories and other media from the early days that wasn't so shallow. It's Flanderization for video games.


As a 2000’s Green Day fan I absolutely love when I run into kids who are fans. It’s like we all grow up with Green Day and it’s a key point of high school for generations. I think it’s fantastic. Only other fandom I have like that is Grateful Dead.


Perhaps "Lobsters Bathing in Coffee" will be the title of Green Day's next album. Objectively.


one thing is for sure
bionicle jam is surely not overrated


As a die hard green day fan - I agree. This album does less for me than their trilogy, which isn't saying much.


Hmmmm, I always I thought this was a return to form but to their American Idiot sound, and that's why I enjoy it a lot... I'm from the generation who loves American Idiot over Dookie.


I just got into this band almost three years ago and I really wish I discovered them during their golden days because modern Green Day is just... not so good. It's baffling that an album released when Billie was 28 is way more mature than anything they've released since 2012


Well father of all proves that Billy has inded forgoten it's original sound


I'm not quite sure how you choose RR as the most overrated rock album? For one thing, it's not that highly rated. Yes, there are Green Day fans who love it, some even consider it to be the best Green Day album. But overall, fans, critics, the mainstream audience, didn't really pay all that much attention to the album. It didn't have any huge singles, it's considered to be in the bottom half of Green Day's discography by probably at least half of the fandom and critics didn't rate it all that highly either.

That being said, I never got the feeling that the band tried to promote this album as a return to the oldschool style of Green Day. Really, it was just promoted as a "return to form" album after the trilogy kind of bombed. More of a return to what they were doing before thr trilogy. So idk where you're getting that this album was trying to be 90's Green Day or anything like that. I think it's a solid album but overall, I'd rank it quite low down on my GD album ranking list.
