Sonic Adventure DX: Big the Cat's Story 100% (1080p)

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Big the Cat's Story

Big the Cat is sleeping on his bed when Froggy, his best friend, awakens and spots Chaos. Froggy bites off Chaos' tail causing him to grow his own tail. Big wakes up and is worried about Froggy, who is driven insane by the possession. Froggy devours a Chaos Emerald (which Big calls his lucky charm) and runs away, with a worried Big following.

When the sun rises, Big finds himself in Station Square, where he sees the crazed Froggy go in the sewers. He hoists a black car, and follows Froggy to Twinkle Park. Big manages to fish Froggy out, but the crazed amphibian retreats. Big soon finds a key to Icecap, grabs a Life Belt and heads into the icy area. He fished Froggy out, but Froggy, due to insanity, takes off.

Big heads towards the Emerald Coast and finds Froggy on one part of the Great Sea. After fishing him out, Big turns to go home, but Gamma grabs the crazed frog from Big and heads back, with the worried feline pleading behind. Big boards the Egg Carrier, and tries to pick up Froggy's scent, but fails, so he decides to find him in the Hot Shelter. He realizes that to get Froggy out, He must activate the switch. After doing this and fishing Froggy out for the last time, Big turns to exit, but is transported to the past. He encounters Tikal for the first time and returns to his normal time. He gets out of the Attendance room and heads out, but spots Chaos and freezes in horror at the sight of him. Eggman arrives and gives Chaos the emeralds, causing him to enlarge again. Froggy then hops into Chaos's body, restoring the beast's tail. Sonic arrives and realizes Chaos's gotten bigger. Big carefully fishes Froggy out of Chaos's body and escapes under Sonic's orders. Suddenly, the Egg Carrier is about to lose altitude, but Big spots the Tornado 2 and flies to the jungle moments after the flying fortress self-destructs and crashes into the Great Sea.

Big and Froggy are now home and enjoying peace again. Froggy is no longer insane, and Big is celebrating.

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