Seringai - Tragedi | Sounds From The Corner Live #2

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It was a heavy night. Less than 24 hour before this video was recorded, @aparatmati AKA Arian Tigabelas called me through cellphone, telling me a very interesting insight: Seringai and Deadsquad are going to held a secret gig in newly renovated and gig-polished Borneo Beerhouse.

Less than twelve hours before sweaty moshpits and sing alongs, also through my cellphone, Arian sent me poster of that secret gig. Far from iconic skulls and high-octane nuance usually represented from Seringai artworks, I was blown away with an ultra cute combination of Hello Kitty, Comic Sans and pink colors. I could sense that this is going to be an exciting night.

Less than three hours, between Otak-Otak and Nasi Gudeg, both bands were arguing who will perform first. The thing is, with all the alcohols and "special ingredients", whoever play first will be easier to perform in the stage and finish the set. Outside, people were already queuing in front of the entrance, waiting for their favorite bands to play. Some dudes even tried to sell Band T-shirts and stickers. "See I told you, it is a natural thing. People will easily "buka lapak" in this kind of Gig!" Said Stevie Item -- Deadsquad guitarist - responding to the DIY opportunists.

"Indeed, it is an unique opportunity to play small intimate gig like this. Right now, both Seringai and Deadsquad are playing in series of big outdoor gigs in Soundrenaline 2012, so this kind of gig is very refreshing," said Arian. Between slam dances and loud shouts, I was astounded with their intimacy with Serigala Militias. From my perspective, #Taring is a great album born from conscience and honesty, giving you a strong and anthemic performance.

A couple minutes after gig, Borneo Beerhouse's terrace was stuffed with big smiles, laughs and a mixture between various scents of a good party. As if there was no barrier between the mini stage and the mosh-floor that night, all of the performers and audience were hanging out together. A classic warm after gig atmosphere! That is an experience that you could not get in stadium and huge outdoor shows.

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Dan! ini! tragedi!
dan! ini! tragedi!
Kucing hitam menghalangimu, kau pikir akan tertimpa musibah.
salahkan sesuatu yang diluar kendalimu, logika mati, mengundang amarah.
kebebalanmu membuatku gusar: dimanakah engkau bersekolah?
pembenaranmu akan tragedi dan moral, selalu akan aku sergah.

Azab menghantuimu.
bebal mengaburkanmu.
tabur garam kepada luka,
membuat duka menjadi murka.
bebal mengaburkanmu.
Kepicikanmu dalam dogma, mengaburkan pikiranmu.
dimana korelasi antara bencana dan akhlak manusia?
“Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.” – buah pikiran yang keliru.
pembenaranmu akan dua hal.. logika sampah.
Azab menghantuimu.
bebal mengaburkanmu.
tabur garam kepada luka,
membuat duka menjadi murka.
bebal mengaburkanmu.
Irasional! irasional! ini mulai melelahkan.
tragedi, adalah melestarikan kebebalan.


Adain lagi donk di beberapa kota besar, pasti seruu #serigalamilitia


Mantep ni video lama dipotong-potong, nambah adsense.. maju terus


gatau knp lebi suka acara kaya gn drpd acara gede kaya synchronize fest dan kawan2nya


Kenapa ga bisa upload video baru kah sampe harus yg lawas diuplod lagi


DeadSquad is more better than this Band 😂
