Installation of Anaconda and create an environment for PCRaster, GDAL and QGIS

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This video is part of the open course Programming for Geospatial Hydrological Applications.
In this course you'll learn an essential skill for researchers dealing with (spatial) data. With scripting you can better control your analysis using command line tools. You can also automate your procedures by writing batch scripts. Furthermore, you can process your data and make models using Python and its useful libraries.

The online learning course on Programming for Geospatial Hydrological Applications is part of the Climate Services for Water Management (CliMWaR) project, funded by the Flemish UNESCO Science Trust Fund (FUST) from the Government of Flanders in Belgium.

Please subscribe to the PCRaster mailing list.

Рекомендации по теме

Hello may you please help me, I am failing to type y to proceed.What can l do to solve this


do you know hot automate to make line in qgis point to point with coordinate..many points, 1000. I have one layer points, then i need second layer line, to conect points with line, but with python


Hello, Can you help me please?
I tried to install QGIS several times but I cannot get a version compatible with my environment. I am using python 3.8


This installation provides a QGIS with no GRASS. I run mac os. Can you help? Thanks
