Being A Transformational Leader In A Narcissistic World, featuring Adrian Terry

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Recently, Dr. C. conducted a podcast interview with business executive, Adrian Terry, who discusses the concept of transformational leadership. His concepts relate to both organizational and personal relationships.

It also is available on Google, Apple, Spotify, and Amazon.

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Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, TX. In the past 40+ years he has conducted more than 65,000 counseling sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder.

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This video speaks deeply to me. I was in the IT world for 31 years before retiring. I absolutely loved my work but almost all of my managers were narcissists. It was really disheartening. Thank you, Adrian for talking about this!


No need to wait. Give a thumbs up now! 💕


I have been in the IT hell for the last 25 years. Every place I work has very controlling narcissist bosses. Being an introvert in the extroverted narcissistic world is very difficult. Thank you Adrian for giving me courage to keep going in this hell of industry. If you can do it then I can do it too. It is good to know there is one good team out there.


T - Transformational
E - Empathetic
A - Appreciative
M - Motivational

All members participating and bringing their best to the table. No petty games and power plays. Everyone working together to achieve optimal results, and valued for their aptitudes/skill set. Shortcomings addressed in a constructive manner, and tasks distributed accordingly.
⚖️ ⚖️ ⚖️
I hired someone once who far exceeded my educational level. I felt that I was probably hiring my replacement, but she was the best qualified candidate, so I needed to move past my fear of being replaced and do the right and honorable thing by hiring her. She was amazing, and we became lifelong friends. In truly successful interactions, (work, family, friendship) people are supportive of each other.

I don’t see anything wrong with competition, as long as we can feel joy for the successes of others, as well as our own. Metaphorically, Giants are hugely important, but Elves and Fairy Godmothers are essential, too. 😊


What a wonderful If only there were more people like him in the world. The everyday world, as well as in positions of authority.


Yep. Narc boss asked me on day one of the job- “Do you know how to do that”. I said “Yes I learned it a few years ago”. Then she said “But can you do it yourself”. I said “Oh yes”. Then she said “No you can’t do it because I didn’t teach you”. She THEN arranged for someone to come and teach the said skill to the whole dept because she didn’t know how to do it herself..


What a great session with Adrian and Dr. Carter. Very enjoyable with so many points to ponder, I will need to rewatch because being that person who is a perpetual student, transformation is key for myself. I Love to Learn and Grow. Thank You Dr. Carter for sharing!


Exceptional interview Adrian seems like he would be a great teacher. Sadly between the year 2000-2020 we’ve had a 7% increase in students, an 8% increase in teachers and a mind boggling 87% increase in administrative positions. Seems a little off kilter to me. Thanks for a great one Dr C


Bring him back on some more Dr. C! Adrian is brilliant 🔥


No better way than to be snowed in watching Gus & Dr Les prepare me to darte & being single in a Montana ski resort! I’m in!


Thank you Dr. Carter and Adrian Terry. Very refreshing and as I am retired now, I watched so many wonderful people in the corporate world just get stepped on and betrayed by Leaders Want To Be and take credit away from them. This is the way it should be.


Loved Adrian's concept of transformational leadership - wish I'd had a manager like him during my working life!


I wish there were more leaders like you, Adrian. It so often seems to be the selfish and narcissistic people who get promoted into leadership 🙁


Dr Carter you should convince Adrian to maybe write an article or a paper on this topic. That would be helpful to a lot of people.


🎵l’ll be there!🎶
🎶I’ll be there !🎵

Thanks for the invite

🎵I’ll be there! 🎶


Please tell me that Adrian is doing Ted talks, etc. The world needs more of his message and approach. This is awesome.


Adrian, best of luck in your PhD, I hope you can be a force for doing well by doing good. The funny thing is that I didn't think I had a leadership style because I am not in a leadership position at work, but I do use collaborative leadership with my kids. Whenever I plan a holiday or vacation, I always find out what everyone likes the best and then try to accommodate that so that it is fun for everyone. When my daughter was 2, she wanted to swim and eat breakfast in a hotel, for example. So simple to accommodate, but it made it her vacation as much as ours.


Actually said to me, "I need you too much to give you a good rating, " knowing perfectly well it damages raises, promotions, on and on. Almost all my managers and companies were flat out narcissists. I WANTED to be an effective team member, respected and supported. I have decades of rich experience and value to bring, but retired life is so much better.


I was part of the transformational leadership in the Navy in 1990 away from Dictatorship to quality supportive team management, so this really interests me. I am a IT professional from my 35 year career too. Not the antisocial type though. Outgoing supportive team leader bringing out the best talent in others in small working groups! My bosses were disconnected psychopaths, and I was opposite and they were jealous of me! The hate was gross! I did often feel alienated too! Lots of sadness from men alienating me. I get it! 🤦‍♀️


Very interesting! As a theater director, I found out the hard way that leadership is about keeping conscious of how the other person is perceiving me and receiving information and especially how it makes them feel positive or negative. In the end it was important for me to let people know how important they are not just to me but for the whole production. I had a lot on my mind - especially the success of the play and sometimes I would find myself giving orders instead of being empathetic. That did not go over well at all!
