Handcuff Knot - Hobble Knot - Fireman's Chair Knot - How to Tie the Handcuff Knot

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Handcuff Knot - Hobble Knot - Fireman's Chair Knot - How to Tie the Handcuff Knot.

I think that when it comes to being the handcuff knot, this may be more of a novelty knot rather than a practical knot used as handcuffs. The problem is that the knot in its basic form is too easy to untie. It is only when you add an over hand knot or two half hitches, does the knot actually become more secure.

This knot is also known as the hobble knot, as cowboy's have been known to tie the Hobble Knot around the legs of horses, in order to prevent them from wondering too far.


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Man I gotta tell ya I'm glad I watched this I use it on my girlfriend and she loved it gotta thank you bro 😀


I’m training to become a firefighter we are tested on this knot, but it is called a “chair knot”. I think it’s a chair knot when it has the two half hitches either side. Not seen it with an overhand used before.

It’s used for rescuing someone “incapable” (Basically someone unconscious). It is put around there body not the wrists. In reality if they are conscious we would use a Full body harness or a bowline. We still need to know it and are tested on it. Great vid helped me cheers 👍🏻


I can't believe that cowboys needed to handcuff their horses! That's amazing history 🤭


Im about to use this later tonight in the bedroom. Thank you for making it so


I discovered a useful variation on this that is more secure even without extra trying at the end. Once you form the two loops, twist them both counter clockwise (the same motion used to create the initial loops) once more and be sure to lay the left edge of the right loop on top of the right edge of the left loop.

You can then pull the edges of the loops through each other just like in the original method and you will have two adjustable loops that are really hard to loosen once initially tightened.

I actually accidentally got myself stuck when I discovered this as I was trying it on my own wrists and could not get it loosened. I had to use my teeth to coax the knot apart and it took me a good while! If tied behind the back and reinforced with a simple overhand knot, most burglars would be effectively bound!


Hi Johnny, Another cool knot, another cool vid. Thought i'd share another handcuff knot I stumbled across awhile back. Make two bights in a line and tie a double overhand knot aka blood knot. Pull it up and you'll have a cuff link knot. It's also a nice decorative bow. Every thing leads back to the blood knot ;) Hope you're well.


Yes sir, and thank -you for you're knot teaching you do 😊👍


I used this knot before for lifting supplies from the ground to a tree House,


I've been tying knots all my life for bush-craft, mountaineering and the like. Lately I have been watching a lot of knot videos as more of a hobby to pass time as well as to gain more knowledge. I recently came across one of your videos in my YouTube feed and I find your videos to by very useful, entertaining, informative and easy to follow! Great job on the narration, editing and all around video production. I have sub'd, liked and will continue to go through and watch more of your videos!! Thanks so much!!


Used to use the hobble knot with the half hitches for horses back in the day. <3 Excellent video <3


we used it in high school drama club for our production of 'Urinetown' because it looked real on stage but was easy to untie


The cowboys used the hobble knot because their horses were very spirited. Many have recorded that each day it was common for the cowboy to sit his horse in the morning only to nearly have to "re-break" his horse in again. These were not riding horses mind you, but the "cutting / herding" horses that cowboys used, which required great courage and were very hearty. Hence, a reason to "hobble" their legs so they wouldn't ride off into the wild, join up with a mob of wild horses / mustangs. Great video. Thanks for sharing. ~ matt (the cowboy viking)


Thanks for another cool knotting video can u make one about sewing seems like in a ditty bag


cool knowt! i used this knot to tie myself up


This is really helpful now I can tie my brother🤣


Remember it well - When we made aerial runways in the Scouts (50 years ago)


Planning to use this for BDSM. I await a reply.


Everytime I do this one knot is really loose and one is really tight 🤦


i have used this before but tied it a bit different


I use this knot to stop difficult goats when I milk them. I just tie the ends down on the milking stanchion and they can't kick the milk bucket
