Angular Monthly Meetup: Understanding Technical Documentation for JavaScript Developers

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Presented by Women Who Code San Diego
Topic: "Understanding Technical Documentation for JavaScript Developers and the new Angular.Dev" - Angular Monthly Meetup

🗣 About our Speaker 🗣
⭐️ Akilah Littlejohn
Twitter: @AkilahNgQueen
LinkedIn: akilah-littlejohn-426b5bb8
Github: akilah-littlejohn

An enthusiastic Angular developer with a deep love for all things TypeScript. My journey includes meaningful contributions to open source projects, including IBM's Call for Code Racial Justice initiative. As a Code for Atlanta collaborator, I played a role in the modern Earth project. You may also recognize me as the friendly host on Angular Nation's Beginners Channel, where I share my knowledge and passion for Angular with fellow developers starting their coding journey.

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