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In todays video i'm bringing you a full base tour of the "Synapse Stronghold" our 3.0 build for the latest Full Release in Once Human i've also dropped a link above for another video from another creator who demos how to build the entire base layout from start to finish so be sure to check it out! plus ill be going over some really helpful base building tips and tricks along the way! :)


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**UPDATE** our temp fix has been foiled. I spoke to devs and hopefully there will be a system put in place to circumvent these permission issues soon.


The build is incredible! Been using a modified version for a few days now and im loving it


Jesus chrikey!!! I just added a second floor to my base and was marching around yelling "im an architectual genius!!"

There is so much i dont know how to do yet.


First of your videos I ever watch (I think) and I already like the content, great video with great information and well explained.
Subbed with noti on cause this was helpful and awesome to watch.
Also you seem like a very down to earth kinda guy, andd I like that :) (This is still the only vid I watched so far, so it could be way different from other videos)
Keep it up buddy


Wow! GGs! I've only been playing for two days and I'm having a great time! Your tips, ideas and inventiveness are truly inspirational!


I wish the hide wires option applied to the base for everyone rather than just a personal thing, when I chose the hide wires option my friends said they could still see the wires, it seems like its just a client side thing, would be some nice feedback to pass along to the devs if you have the connections to do so.

Another thing I really liked from the previous build you did is we have the option to have multiple white boards / message boards in the base, but now it seems there's a hidden limit on certain item types, in the case of the board you can write it it seems like you can only have 1 of them which is also shared with a photo frame slot, would be nice if we could get multiple of these back, I liked having them for the switches, currently using Neon sign lights as a sort of 'key/marker'

Great video nice to see how things are coming along now with the full release :)


Would love to see how you build an updated farm if you plan on doing so :)


they saved the blueprint you have to have that user to give you permission to build on their house . or you get a permission denyed


Yes, want that video of your hive cook!


Built my base of this video, used the base design and went from there. Only difference is I used normal stairs and not spiral, really cool shape and layout 😀


in the end its a huge base tour and look what i built but not rly much tipps for players whom are building and may not have your knowladge. distance of turrets - why and how to increase the level of the floor - that you can also increase the level for pumps and turrets.. all the little neat things that may be interresting are missing :/


3:28 about a week ago they changed it so now the person has to give build permissions for you to save a BP (for those having trouble doing this).


Nice Build! Unfortunately we need to buy that blueprint. Im more interested with the food buff stacking. maybe you guys can share the sheet?


can't wait for that electricity guide! I couldn't seem to figure out how to do the electricity groups for turrets and facilities


I haven't seen the shelves anywhere, noone has them from what i've seen, and there's absolutely no mention of them being acquired by anyone on reddit, discord, youtube, etc.

Considering nobody as far as we know has it, I have 2 assumptions as to how its acquired. It's either not available yet, and will only be available in some shop bundle (that would suck). OR, it can only be obtained from that designer workbench where you can breakdown furniture formulas into tokens, which you can use to roll for other formulas. I've seen no mention of anyone farming these yet, which could be the reason why we haven't seen the shelves.

Also, a similar layout to the hex layout that I use is the star layout. 4x4 of square foundations, with triangle foundations on the 4 sides creating a 4 pointed star with 8 sides. The square core allows you to use curved walls in the base, which is great for the curved stairs.


Interesting build. Only minor issue with the portal doors is that they take a small amount of damage every time they are used. (I had the "great" idea to make these the only entrance to my base) Make sure they are topped up before starting a purification or they might just break in the middle of it.


I had enough left over resources to build a dedicated starchrom infusing whatever its called tower, basically a Cross with machine guns, then a three story tower with machine guns on each floor, and the generator thing on the ground floor in the middle of the cross.. I do my weekly churning, made it a blue print to remake it, and then broke it down. Keeps the base esthetic.


They should make a new facility item for active deviants and have the current containment units just be for displaying deviants. For example, have an Active Containment unit that can hold 20 deviants in the single unit and those are your 20 active deviants. Then the current units are just for displaying purposes and fall under furniture.


They came up to the one block away from walls your threats are on and behind them was an easy run but you did fire bullets with your few friends and they where closer then 10 feet of your walls. That being said it still seemed super easy with the turrets and there perks


For some unknown reason, I am in love with this design, I'm still building the old version...But having walls from glades is not a good idea for the raiders
