Top 10 - Total War Marketing Failures!

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Welcome to a video on the Top 10, biggest Creative Assembly Marketing Failures with Total War.

The fact a list like this can exist, and that the original draft of ideas had over 50 points, says quite a bit. XD

0:00 Intro
1:09 10: Truth Behind the Myth
2:29 9: Siege Re-Work
3:16 8: Early Access
5:43 7: Cooking Shows
7:04 6: Rome 2 Hype
7:41 5: False Advertising
8:29 4: 3 Kingdoms Dropped
9:38 3: Missing Information
10:53 H1: No Information
11:32 H2: Sagas
11:42 H3: Stealing a Mod
11:56 H4: MELKOR
14:19 2: 1 Hour
16:38 1: Historicals

Enjoy :)
#TotalWar #Marketing #Top10
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As said, I had a larger original list (50+) ideas on this video, than any other Top 5/10 video I have ever made XD

Do you know of any not mentioned here?


they just need a competition, another big company should do a game like total war. Thats it. That will fix EVERYTHING.


It's amazing since the marketing for Rome 1 was so good. With it being used in history shows on tv.


As far as I know you are the first TW YouTuber who realises that whatever power you have comes from your audience and NOT from CA!
Hope others will follow....


When a CA employee goes and calls a Youtuber a "dickhead" because of the Toxic culture at CA that's certainly not good marketing for the series or the company.


OR it is the same corporate development story that looks like to happen to every other upcoming game studio as well, with some luminary devs and a lots of imaginatively mediocre but bureaucracy-savvy associates.

a) They break gold by creating an immense success story - oftentimes even one game, possibly a series of 2-4 games produced in short order with original team intact.

b) Either an already-existing parent corporation or some larger conglomerate buying the stock majority hops in, bringing in resources, support and connections to "really make it big." In this pace the aforementioned creative mediocrities grasp their chance and rise to commanding positions, either smoking out the luminaries or rendering them obscure by some cloak-and-dagger.

c) New games based on original success piece(s) are made with tremendously larger staff and marketing campaigns, however the vision and drive are smudged and filed around the corners to reach "broader audience" - resulting in larger sales but increasing criticism.

d) Parent company, seeing its investment in danger does what corporations do - feeds more of its consults and eventually, staff and strengthens its grip on the franchise(s), resulting in marketing teams that have no touch to the consumer base and its culture (other than surveys, case studies and other such meeting room graph pulp) leading the development of future games. Those who knew how to climb the greasy pole remain as figureheads and spokesmen, running from con to con.

e) Devs have limited room to fight the changes or otherwise have a say in development, leading to apathy and inertia in development culture of future games. Issues that have for long troubled the games are left to pester and new ideas, though sometimes fresh in themselves, are less and less connected to each other.

Repeat _ad infinitum ad nauseam._


I wish CA would support negative criticism (provided it’s valid ofc, like disliking certain mechanics) and listen to it if a big portion of the community is against something.


CA’s marketing team is good at two things:
1. Cutting off their nose
2. Spiting their face


They need to assemble creatively and rebuild their approach to marketing.
But for the love of God, they should stop destroying their relationships with YouTube influencers. Their approach to the opinion leaders in their community is unbelievable petty. They banned LegendofTotalWar, rode Melkor into the ground, pushed PrinceofMacedon and AlextheRambler out of the series, and have a tantrum every time someone posts something negative on Reddit. Imagine any other company attacking its own biggest fans- it's absolutely bizarre and so unneccessary.


The bigest marketing failure of CA is that most companies produce what their customers want, but CA produces what CA wants to produce. That is a weird situation. They are supply orientated in stead of demand orientated.


Come on MELKOR you know you secretly watched the cooking shows wearing a centurion helmet over your banana mask


Welp, there goes any relationship you had with CA


Remastered today is the RTW I always wanted, and 1 year after release has everything it needs for success including insane modding - yet even some hardcore RTW fans that got the game for free decided to abandon it early on, and it's not looking like they're coming back. This game is so awesome, I'm still going for 100%, but to do this while twitch has 0 viewers feels weird


Can you make videos about the other 40 things?


There's your Total War game: Footshoot Total War. On the strategic map you grow your feet and other appendages, than on the tactical map you just shoot them off.

Another great idea from the Mind of Melkor®!


CA going for the "This is Total War" achievement irl


Miss when they made games like Medieval 2 Empire total war they shot themselves in the foot for all for nothing.


I reckon they could do something like paradox and do a dev clash


Well, they told us that they were done with fantasy after Warhammer III so I expect them to redeem themselves and make a strong comeback with a fabulous Medieval III. I don't care about the marketing of this game as long as CA delivers. Keep up the good work Melkor. I love your uploads.


The problem of the marketing team not playing the game could be solved if they would talk with the devs, present them their ideas and then get feedback.
