The Seven Deadly Sins - What Are They and Why Are They So Dangerous?

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Today we take a look at the Seven Deadly Sins with one main goal, to find out why they were considered so deadly. In order to uncover their origins we must examine how and why they came to exist.

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Title: The Seven Deadly Sins - What Are They and Why Are They So Dangerous?

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Hey I know it's only been a week but have another video


Lust - Obsession with objectification
Gluttony - Obsession with pleasure
Greed - Obsession with accumulation
Sloth - Obsession with avoidance
Wrath - Obsession with conflict
Envy - Obsession with others
Pride - Obsession with the self


Cool. Please do the "Seven Heavenly Virtues" too. They're not talked about nearly enough.


1 greed 2 lust 3 sloth
4 wrath 5 pride 6 envy
7 gluttony
and worst of them all
*8 not knowing the sponsor*


1. Pride = Sometimes refers to Selfishness but also refers to someone with too much Self-Conception rather than putting it aside for Others.
2. Greed = Not always about Money, everything related with Materialism or vast Knowledge would consider a Desire to do anything to achieve it.
3. Lust = Not always about Love and Seducion. It's also refers the Deep desire for something or maybe refers to Bloodlust, a Desire to murder someone.
4. Wrath = An Intense Hatred, Rage, & Vengeance which would stoke the Fire inside someone, even starting a War or Battle.
5. Envy = Many others believe it was a Form of Jealousy while actually it was also refers to resentment toward others or Something that attract it's attention.
6. Gluttony = While others believe that Gluttony refers to food, comitting a Canibalism can be considered a Sin. Since you have a Hunger that never been satisfied you can't stop but eat.
7. Sloth = While Sloth refers to Not carrying anything it can also refers to someone who doesn't care about other people who care for him/her and sway them of like an ordinary pawn, which are the form of Laziness.


Lmao the sloth demon illustration tho
“Hey human, you want more Doritos?”


Pride is The worse one

Escanor: who decided that


Sloth is by far the best of all sins.
Firstly and foremost, because it prevents you from committing all the other 6.

Edit: Thanks for the likes, people!


The Gods: you can't just think you're better than us, your pride is unforgivable.
Escanor: But I am superior.


If you do the 7 virtues, I hope you add about how they can be taken too far and it becomes self-abuse. Like being so chaste you deny yourself any sort of pleasure. Or being patient even when you know the person is never going to change.


And here I was about to make an anime reference but you beat me to it. Still, it is kind of interesting that the seven deadly sins and most often than not personifications of them play a role in that corner of popular culture.


One reason these sins are so well known is because there are misconceptions about them.

Lust isn't merely desire. In fact, we have a modern word for it. Objectification. Viewing another human being with thoughts and feelings as merely an object for your own (insatiable) gratification.

Envy isn't merely wanting something someone else has. It's resenting and even hating the person who has that thing you want.

Gluttony isn't merely "eating too much." It's overconsumption of not just food, but also drink, drugs, sex, etc. to the point where you hurt not only yourself (health issues) but others (withholding food from the hungry).

Sloth isn't merely laziness. It's excessive self-pity sometimes (though not always) combined with an unwillingness to do what needs to be done (like taking care of your kids).

Greed isn't merely hoarding wealth. It's being willing to do anything and cross any line to get that wealth.

Wrath isn't merely anger. It's violence that goes out of its way to horrifically if not kill somebody.

Pride isn't merely an inflated ego. It's selfish ambition, and the mother of all the other sins on the list, the idea that "only I and my desires matter in the end. Everyone else can go screw it."


I think, where I'm from, Sloth is the most relatable. It does involve depression and lost of interest.


'Se7en'... one of my all time favorite movies.


The concepts of the 7 Deadly Sins vs. the 7 Holy Virtues has long intrigued me for some reason. I'm something of an amateur writer and have explored several ideas designed to utilize them in some capacity, though I sadly haven't brought any of those ideas to fruition yet. Regardless, this was a good analysis. Thanks for creating this video. :)


You forgot what is truly the greatest and most destructive sin of all; Scalping and price gouging.


It's actually crazy how true they are. Heaven and hell are a mental state and doing these sins will make you sabotage yourself and get you in hell. There's actually a way of living that leads you to heaven that everyone has to figure out for themselves. For example "never judge others" (pride or envy) etc etc. It's like there's actually something that created this world and we are programmed in a certain way.


Sloth kills time itself that's why its so bad.


"From Wrath stems hatred". So, what you're saying is "Anger leads to hate" XD


THE 7 Princes of Hell and the Sins they each represent.
Lucifer: Pride.
Mammon: Greed.
Asmodeus: Lust.
Leviathan: Envy.
Beelzebub: Gluttony.
Satan: Wrath.
Belphegor: sloth.
