999 Hz: Highest Spiritual Vibration | Transcendence Frequency Sound Bath

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Reach the highest spiritual vibrations with the transcendent 999 Hz frequency. Elevate your consciousness through this ambient sound bath.

💡 No Mid-roll Ads for uninterrupted healing

🌈 999 Hz Frequency Healing Benefits:

1. Elevated Spiritual Consciousness
2. Facilitated Transcendence and Enlightenment
3. Enhanced Universal Love and Compassion
4. Promotion of Karmic Healing and Release
5. Support for Accessing Higher Dimensions


🔁 Listen daily for optimal benefits

Thank you, beautiful souls, for supporting Meditative Mind. Your love fuels our mission to bring peace and mindfulness through music, meditation, and chants.

#FrequencyHealing #999Hz #SpiritualVibration #Transcendence #ConsciousnessElevation #SoundBath #HigherRealms #SpiritualAscension #CosmicConnection akashic records, consciousness elevation, divine light, sound bath, enlightenment,

Music: @DilpreetBhatiaMusic
© 2009-2024 Meditative Mind. All Rights Reserved.
For personal use only. Unauthorized use prohibited
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Everything has a purpose, even in our tears is some sparkling light. Let go, just let go, your fear, your stress, your problems, your thoughts, your Ego, just let it all go. The universe knows everything, it loves you and has a wonderfull plan for you. You are a part of this beautifull web of energy, a diamand, unique, beautifull, perfect, you deserve love. You deserve to be happy. Every journey is unique. I wish you good luck, wisdom and inner peace, a calm mind and good health, on your journey. May we learn what we have to learn. One day we are ready for things some can not even imagine right now. The future is crazy. Full of miracles. Love for you and for me.


to all who read this, and all who don't...sending you infinite peace, perfect health, abundant wealth, joyous freedom, and unconditional love...


Thank God and the Angels and Ancestors and Spirit Guides


It was one of the most epic sound compositions made. It must have taken a lot of time to make something like this. In my spirit, I would give wings and elevate people.


Wake every morning and say, I am living today as though it is my last....put a smile on your face, you will immediately feel good. Walk through the day being kind to yourself. Treat everyone you come in contact with as though they are an angel in disguise. If you happen to come across a dark cruel human, say to yourself, I send love to the soul of this human and move on. At the end of the day, you will know and feel you've done your best. Today is my last day here and I feel amazing. Thank you to all of the Divine. What a beautiful blessed way to exist on this magnificent earth. 🤗💚💫🙏
Thank you for another beautiful healing video ❤


Mintha angyalok között sétálnék az égben vagy az óceánban lebegnék, végtelen nyugalom és béke állapotában ❤ nagyon klassz, köszönöm 🙏


This is the best meditative channel I have found, I use your chakra videos daily & the music is so angelic 👼 I heal through angel music, I detox by crying, that’s how much my soul resonates ❤


Healing is not easy it takes time dedication and patience to work through your past in order to understand


Excellent please keep going deeper and deeper and deeper.


Thank You for this wondrous magical Piece ✨💎💫🌠


Your channel still the best thank you 🙏


Pai, Mãe, Amigo e Bem-Amado Deus. Que a pronunciação incessante e silenciosa do Teu Sagrado nome, conduza-nos à Tua semelhança. Inspira-nos, para que a nossa adoração as coisas materiais, se transforme em adoração à Ti. Que através da pureza de nossos corações, possa Teu reino de perfeição vir à terra e liberar todas as nações do sofrimento. Que a nossa vontade se torne mais forte ao vencer os desejos mundanos e sintonize-se afinal com Tua vontade perfeita. Dá-nos o pão de cada dia, alimento, saúde e prosperidade para o corpo; eficiência para a mente e sobretudo, Teu amor e sabedoria para a alma. É tua lei que diz: “Com a mesma medida com que medirdes, também vos medirão”. Que possamos perdoar aqueles que nos ofendem, sempre atentos à nossa própria necessidade de Tua imerecida misericórdia. Não nos abandones no abismo das tentações em que caímos, pelo mal-uso que temos feito da razão que nos concedeste. E quando for Tua vontade submeter-nos à prova, oh Espírito, permite-nos compreender que Tu és muito mais fascinante do que qualquer tentação terrena. Ajuda-nos a livrar-nos das tenebrosas cadeias do nosso único mal: não conhecer-Te. Porque Teu é o Reino, o Poder e a Glória pelos séculos e séculos. Amém! Amém. Todos os tipos de sementes de poder estão dentro de você, esperando para você fazê-las crescer. “Quem não tem dificuldades não cresce. ” — Paramahansa Yogananda, com Amor e Gratidão.


Your problems will pass, focus on now because it will pass too


I love you all, I hope you all find what it is you are looking for in life


I relly 🖤🩷💙💜🩵❤️🧡💚🩶🤎🤍this calming music for Nighttime
So calming


Hello @Meditative Mind, Long time listener here, your music has helped me quite a bit, I've thought of writing an email about it, but it would be a long story. Anyhow, I would like to ask if you guys could please release a 666Hz video this time for this series. I've noticed you skipped that frequency last time you made a series like this as well. The only possible explanation I could think of is that maybe there is some fear or hesitation around doing so because of the general idea of the number, but then again many of your videos are 6 hours, 6 minutes and 6 seconds long. If you don't want to upload a 666Hz that's alright, but at least explain why. (It would be really cool to have a playlist without a missing number, to muse with them all and learn from the 6 about the 6.) Many thanks for your beautiful work, and much love to you for sharing it with us <3 🙏🙇☯


Hi guys! Love your work. I have noticed you have put out 111, 222, 333hz etc recently. I work with sound frequencies and want to know your thoughts on why you chose those specific hz. They’re not usually used. Thank you in advance 🙏🏼
