MASSIVE Rules Update to Warhammer 40K Characters - Auras Gone, Leaders Locked to Units and MORE

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Let's talk about the latest 10th Edition update to Warhammer 40K characters...

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0:00 Intro
1:25 Most Auras Gone
3:31 Leader Characters
7:40 Lone Operatives
9:44 Thoughts on Changes
13:53 Primaris Lieutenant Rules
17:59 Outro
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I'm really hoping one of the "REDACTED" in the rule reveal article is for Primaris Lieutenant, that way they can form a squad of themselves, making it possible to deploy all 271 of our Primaris Lieutenants.


Can't go with Gravis? You know what that means! A new Gravis LT!!!!


My guess is that the "Precision" trait will allow the attacker (as opposed to the defender) to decide which model to allocate wounds to. If so, it would allow snipers to not just target leaders but also units with special weapons.


I'm really hoping that the CSM get a proper flexible Chaos Lord kit in 10th. Bring the jetpacks and options back, at least for HQs, please.


I hope this means that apothecaries can join units again


Auspex Tactics sounds like he's not thrilled by those changes, but for me it's just awesome changes. No more stupid conga lines to get one foot of a dude in the aura range, no more endless stacking of bonuses to triple the output of a unit. Finally, the restriction of which squad a character can join helps both balance and the fluff. It was weird to have mixes of gravis and non-gravis, phobos and non-phobos... To be honest, I feel people were already going for the rule of cool and matching their characters to the unit, so the people affected are mostly tournament players who are already used to having to upgrade their collection frequently. All good changes IMO!


Suddenly all the releases of Primaris lieutenants make sense. You need to collect them all to attach one to each unit type!


I really really like this, I always found Look Out, Sir to be cumbersome and not really doing what you wanted it to do, and I think this will give the game a slightly more cinematic feel, with a Hero and their band of brothers moving around to complete missions.


I think the overarching theme that we're seeing in the rules is that GW is fragmenting them so that they can be tweaked individually. I think throughout 9th they've been trying to figure out what levers they would want to pull to tweak unit balance if they could, and they're implementing that in 10th edition. The removal of auras is a fine choice to help with that.

I like the idea of characters being attached to units too. Way simpler. How many times was a measuring an remeasuring to make sure my Crusade squad was within 6" of one a Servitor who was within 2" of Grimaldus... oh but now they're 6.5" away from my Captain! No re-rolling 1s now... It's all a bit much for newbies or casuals.

Also, this is going to help army construction and putting your old models on the table. No longer, will one type of character be the best because of its durability or loadout. Now certain characters fit with certain units. And you might want to put a character with one unit in a match up against Orks, but in a match up against Eldar in another unit. It seems exciting to me.


In a climate where tinkering with the rules is acceptable, like a friendly game or custom campaign, you could do a lot to differentiate subfactions by adjusting with which characters can join which units.


This change will also make craftworlders feel more like lumineth in AoS I think, if you embed warlocks and farseers in all your guardians, they'll probably be able to pick up some of the slack in melee and itll give every unit access to psychic powers, which fits their lore better


I like this, it kinda turns characters into point cost upgrades for units. Will probably be a lot messier for Space Marines and their piles of units than other armies. Also I find it kinda weird that the Lieutenant can't join Desolators even though they're a Power Armored Primaris unit (Probably cause it'd be OP with Frag I guess).


So full Bladeguard squadron?
I always want to see bladeguard ancient properly attached to bladeguard veteran squad


If the Imperium can have an Astartes Captain and Lieutenant attached to the same squad, hopefully the Necron aristocratic hierarchy works the same way.
Return of the Overlord + Lord + Lychguard warscythe blender mob.


I'm willing to bet The Silent King will keep some auras since he's a giant buffing center piece that can't really be attached to anything. Interesting to see how this affects Necrons as a whole.


i think the aura-like rules that will remain will be more like stuff that's intended to interact with non-infantry models such as synapse and techmarines, as well as datasheet buffs from things too large to really join a squad like canoptek reanimator or avatar of khaine


Game wise this does sound like an improvement. I'm still really curious to see how this impact non-Space Marine Armies (Looking at Necrons, Guard, Votann) who all have strong Auras and HQ's that might not work as good in this approach.


I kinda like the changes to the Lieutenant. Makes him seem like he's actually directing troops in some way instead of just re-rolls. On the other hand, I'm not sure I like the changes to character protection. I also hope I can still use some characters separate from other units as beat-sticks, like Death Company Captains.


I don’t think we’ll have to worry about character tanking in units like in 7th. Back then, each multi wound model could be allocated wounds separately. But now you have to allocate damage to a model entirely until it dies. So if the character is truly part of the unit, then unless they’re just unkillable on their stat sheet, I’d say you’re going to see regular models dying off first.


As a Tyranid simp, I'm speculating about how this is going to apply to Tyranid characters (not that we have all that many).
Tyrants are probably going to be able to Lead units of Tyrant Guard, but I'd be surprised if they didn't work very well as Lone Operatives too. I think the "buff one unit in Synaptic Relay range" ability that's common to 'Nid leaders at the moment is probably going to stay, which I am pleased with.
Neurothropes are going to Lead Zoanthropes, naturally, though that might annoy people considering how tanky they already are to anything that can't ignore invulns!
Tyranid Primes will naturally Lead Warriors, which I think is nice because mine has been really quite squashy so far. Maybe he'll regain his old "nearby Warriors use my BS/WS" ability, but just for his attached unit.
Deathleaper and the Parasite of Mortrex sound like they're going to stay Lone Operatives. Mortrex could *maybe* attach to a unit of Gargoyles, but Deathleaper would make no sense at all following around another Lictor, and I feel like he wouldn't slot in well to a unit of these new Leapers.

Overall, very interested, intrigued, and excited.
