Words and Expressions for Dating and Relationships

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Learn common phrases used in English to speak about romance, going out and getting married including the verbs, nouns, and idioms used with these expressions.
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Useful vocab I've learned :
1. A good fit : suitable
2. Have a lot in common : share the same interest
3. Fights : arguments
4. Work things out : deal with a bunch of problems
5. Pop the question = propose marriage
6. Have chemistry with someone
7. Settle down in Canada for good
8. Tie the knot : get hitched
9. Walk down the aisle : get married
10. Commitment: dedication
11. Hit it off right away
12. Split up: are apart
13. Fall for : start to love
14. Love at first sight
15. Cheat on : unfaithful with someone
16. Make up : reconcile
17. Have a crush on someone = head over heels in love with you
18. Ask someone out : invite someone on a date
19 there are plenty of fish in the sea


Great video. I love when at the en d of the video you put the definition of every bold phrase in the dialogues, it makes it easier to study. Thanks so much.


As an ESL teacher - I'm definitely using his video - thanks!


The voice is so good. I feel better whenever I hear that. Thank you very much


There are lots of hidden gems in this YouTube channel..how did I miss this.
Wow 😳


Another great lesson. I adore you "Easy English". You've become my best English channel on youtube.
Keep going, please!


Lucky are the people who have good relationships❤️❗
Great lesson👍🏻


Wow! Today is our third wedding anniversary with my husband) We are very happy together) It's so sweet that you have published this video today)💓


I really like this channel . I watch it every time it comes up in my feed even though I only speak english


I just watched it on Valentine's Day.Your work made me interested.It's so worth to give my time on this video.Looking for another ones.


are they going to be a couple? This story is so exciting that I was staring at the screen for about 1 minutes after this video. Thank you for the video! Easy English, I am the one who subscribe your channel like 1 and half years ago. I've been waiting for this video. I am glad that you finally made this video. Thank you Easy English!


I'm so glad to the coincidence that made me come across this channel, and now i'm dedicated to your video I can't spend my day without watching 'em


Hello everyone😁 My name is Vitaliy and I am from Russia. I really like this channel and I am very happy to watch this video. My English isn't good but I try improve it day by day and this channel helps me, too. These videos are really great. You are beautiful. I think that I wrote all my sentences correctly.😁 See you in the next video😜


I Love this story ❤❤
Thank you so much easy english 🎉❤


Your lesson is very helpful and practical!! I wish the English learner can find it out and apply it into real life. So amazing! Just keep it up 🎉🎉


Words and Expressions for Dating and Relationships

Wow, Beth!
those are beautiful flowers!
what's the occasion?
-it's my wedding anniversary.
Nick sent me these flowers to celebrate.
-how long have you and nick been together?
-we've been married for 20 years,
but we've been together for almost 25 years.
-congrats to you both!
you must be soul mates!
-i'm not sure i believe in soulmates,
but i do think we're a good fit for one another.
we have a lot in common, and we have fun together.
it's not perfect, but it works for us.
-i can't imagine being with the same person for 25 years.
after my breakup with peter, i don't know if i could get along with someone for that long.
do you ever have problems?
or argue?
-oh yes! we have had many fights over the years.
early in our marriage, we even considered getting divorced.
Fortunately, we were able to work things out,
and now our relationship is stronger than ever.
when you find the right person, you will make it work, Maria.
-i hope so.
what about you, Luke?
you have been seeing someone for a few months now.
any chance you might pop the question soon?
-Me? no way!
i'm not ready to get engaged yet.
i think Caroline and i have chemistry.
we love being together, and i'm very attracted to her.
but i don't think either of us is ready to settle down yet.
i think she would be shocked if I propose to her this soon.
we definitely don't want to rush things.
we want to spend time traveling the world together and really getting to know each other well.
-i think you and Carolyn are wise to get to know each other well,
before tying the knot and walking down the aisle.
i want to make sure we're right for each other before making a life-long commitment.
-what about you, maria?
what happened with you and peter?
-it started off so great, but it didn't last long.
we met at a party.
we hit it off right away.
i thought it was love at first sight.
he was exactly my type: he was tall, brunette, and athletic.
i fell for him immediately.
-when i first saw you both together,
i thought you were head over heels for one another.
-we were.
he completely swept me off my feet.
he was full of romance.
he brought me flowers and chocolates.
he wrote me poems.
he took me on vacations.
he talked about our future together.
It was wonderful.
-so, what made you guys decide to split up?
-it turns out he was cheating on me.
-oh, maria! that's awful!
i'm so sorry to hear it.
-yes. it was horrible.
he was having an affair with his co-worker.
when i found out, i immediately broke it off with him.
i didn't need to put up with his bad behavior.
-good for you for dumping him!
he doesn't deserve a good woman like you.
-well... that's not the whole story.
a week later,
he came to my apartment and begged me to get back together with him.
i told him i would go out with him again if he promised to be faithful to me.
we made up, and things went well for a few weeks.
but then...
-oh no! what happened?
-i found out he had a crush on my best friend.
he asked her out, and they went on a date!
i found all of their messages on peter's cell phone.
-that's terrible!
-i know! this time, i broke up with peter for good.
i refuse to be in an on and off again relationship.
i am still so upset with him.
and i am very mad at my friend.
i worry i will never get over it.
i really thought he was the one, but, it seems it was not meant to be, though.
-i'm so sorry, Maria. it will get better.
you deserve to date someone who respects you.
-you know what they say, “there are plenty of fish in the sea.”
you'll find a good guy.
-are you seeing anyone at the moment?
-no, i'm single.
-would you like me to set you up with someone?
i have a nephew who would be just your type.
i think he would be a perfect match for you.
he's cute, funny, and intelligent.
i'll give him a call and see if he would be interested in meeting you for coffee.
Thanks, Beth, you are very nice, but I don't like going out on blind dates.
i prefer to know my date.
-have you tried to meet people on online dating sites?
i met Caroline on a dating website.
-it can be tough to get into a relationship with someone you met online.
-i met one nice guy on the site, but he lives six hours away.
and i'm not interested in a long-distance relationship.
-well, i'm sure there's someone out there for you, Maria.
you'll meet him when you least expect it.
life is always surprising.
-my name's Robert and i'm the new graphic designer.
it's a pleasure to meet you.
i'm excited to be a part of the team.
-it's nice to meet you Robert my name is Maria.
welcome to the team!
-we were announced that you would be joining our team.
you're from Canada, right?
-that's right, i just moved here two weeks ago.
-i see. you moved here with your family?
-i don't have a family, i'm single.
-well, i'm sure you're going to feel great here and make a lot of friends.
we have a lovely team here.
come on, let me introduce you to our colleagues.
-that would be nice. thank you very much.


The music at 4:12 is awesome. Does anyone know which song it belongs to? Thanks in advance.


So useful, especially with Valentine's Day coming soon! : )


Hello I really like your videos! Can you tell me what software you use for the story telling portion ? Thanks !


Thank you so much!! These videos are worth my while!!
