How to make fire | bushcraft friction fire | bow drill campfire

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In this vid I chat about how i make fire on the trail and ways to minimise your impact. I then have a bit of bushcraft fun making fire with the sun and a bow drill. It had been raining pretty hard for a couple of days so its a good example of how you really need to nurture a fire when you first get it going, especially in wet conditions. Whats your favourite way to make fire?

I use xanthorrhoea (grass tree) but never take the spike from a growing plant. It can kill the plant and is no good for a fire drill, you need a dead fallen spike as it will be dry. State forests are the best place to look as you can not collect from national parks

0:30 Intro
0:59 How to start a campfire on trail: ultralight method - my favourite method (bic lighter)
1:29 How to have a minimal impact camp fire
3:46 Fire preparation tinder collection in wet conditions, sticks, making a birds nest with lomandra (mat rushes)
4:47 Fire from the sun magnifying method - magnifying glass
6:54 Friction fire bow drill method (see 14:40 for more detail)
9:13 Got the Coal now struggle town to get fire because everything is so wet
13:23 I have a flame - Building and nurturing a fire in wet conditions
14:40 Tips how to use a bow drill for friction fire - what worked for me

Warning fire can be hot

How to have minimal impact

Where possible use a fuel stove. It’s quick easy and leaves no trace.
Do your research before you go:
-What's the fire danger ratings
-Are you allowed to have fires in this particular area at this time of year?
- Is it a fuel stove only area?
Once out there, do your own assessment:
-Are current conditions safe?
-Is there nice clear area and it’s not too windy?
-Is there lots of available firewood?
-Is there a good water sources to extinguish the fire
-Will your fire blacken rocks or overhangs? Avoid building fires next to rock outcrops where the black scars will remain for many years.
-The vegetation at higher elevations or desert areas tend to grow slowly so it’s often best not to have a fire as wood is really limited.
-Fallen timber and logs provide important habitat for birds, reptiles and insects and are a critical element to a healthy ecosystem - so only have fires in areas where fallen timber is abundant

The best place to build a fire is within an existing fire place
Try to keep the area as natural looking as possible.
Try to not leave obvious cut marks.
You don’t need massive logs. Just branches up to the size of your wrist.
Gather wood over a wide area away from camp. Use dry driftwoods good at beach
Keep the fire small and burning only for the time you are using it.
Don’t burn plastics or metals on a campfire.
Never leave a fire or stove unattended.
Allow wood to burn completely to ash.

Once you have finished with the fire, make sure it is completely out. Use water if you need. It should be completely cold to touch before leaving. Dirt may not completely extinguish the fire.

Happy and safe camp fires

check out my hiking gear list here:
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Just found your channel, great down to earth practical and relevent, great stuff


Thank goodness for your videos. I love channels of people hiking, going bush, getting amongst it but I'm a bit over the "Man goes hiking, sets up camp and reviews new gear, drinks and reviews IPL beer, cooks semi gourmet meal, pan shots of man standing on cliffs, and repeat" script. Please keep yours coming. I never know what to expect xxx
Much love and gratitude!


You're a champ mate! Love your work and tips. Keep up all the great work you do.


I carry lint from the dryer in a ziplock bag as my fire lighter/starter. Weighs next to nothing and burns really well!


Nice video thanks Kate, I had the fire pit going while I was watching, for the full experience.


Thanks for this Kate. Great instructions. I made my first bow drill fire on the weekend, which was really satisfying. I really liked your comment that if you don't get smoke after 30 rotations, then you're probably doing something wrong. This is the first time I have heard this in the many instruction videos I have watched. Otherwise you could be 'bowing' away and not know whether your doing it right or not.


Hello good video. Love the Bush craft. Really enjoyed watching and subbed you. Thanks Steve 👍


Great info on fires. Not many places in the wilderness areas here where those are allowed, fuel stoves only for the most part. You certainly seem to know just about every way to make a fire though. Glad you're not an arsonist!


Always enjoy your real life videos, but this Bush craft episode was an especially ‘hot’ one. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


Great video. Excited to give it a try myself one day. You make it look so fun and achievable. Tnx for sharing. 💪🙏🔥


I'm a long way away from making fire in the bush, I'd be too terrified to lose control of it but it's a great skill to have


Great tips Kate. I think I will camping with you next time 😂 But I always carry a box of matches. A bit of cheating 😂 But it works. Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


Re watching some of your older vids, just realised in your intro the rock formation behind you, think I know where you are, is it M……y Bay. 🤔
