How To Start A Fire

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Some affiliate links of what I used in the video:

Fire-Pit - currently out of stock

What you'll need:

• ½ to 1 gallon of kindling and tinder wood
• 6 cut wood logs
• 1 lighter

1. Place two logs running parallel with each other about a foot apart from one another in a fire-safe place.
2. Next, Stack two logs lying crosswise over the two logs about a foot apart. Like building a log house.
3. Place all of the kindling in the center between the logs and light it using a flint starter or a lighter.
4. Once it’s lit place a few small pieces onto the small fire to get it going.
5. Immediately place 2 more logs a foot apart from each other crosswise on the other logs to protect the young fire from going out, especially if it’s windy.
6. Add 1 log at a time to keep it going as long as you’d like.

Chef Notes:

Make-Ahead: Making a fire takes about 10-15 minutes from making kindling wood to getting it started and keeping it so give yourself enough time if you plan on cooking it.

This fire using 6 total logs will last approximately 45 minutes.

Be sure to feed the fire with 1 fresh log 1 at a time for as long as you would like to keep it going.

When making kindling make sure the wood is on a flat stable surface and is standing up vertically.

Put out your fire by smothering it in the sand.

While fire needs air to breathe and grow, it also needs protection from the wind so that it does not go out which is why you will place on the 2 logs at the end.
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I expected this video to have upwards of a million views, but its only at 4k. The production quality's so high, this video deserves to have a million views


Your intro was so long, I already got the fire started


When using the “flint and steel” hold the steel down on what you want to light then drag the flint across the steel towards you. It will creat much more spark and in a tighter group. Makes lighting the tender easier and faster


New subbie here. Omgosh I needed this. I just found a firepit and I had no clue how to start it. The stand is missing so I will need to get some cinder blocks to mount it on. Im so excited. I love when ppl throw out really good items that I need


Thanks for helping me save the fire for me and my girlfriends getaway. Thought I was better than cavemen, but they proved me wrong. Great video!


This is the best video I've seen by far. I like using dry palm tree leaves. That stuff is like gasoline. Also, you can use the pine needles from a Christmas tree, which light extremely fast and hot


This is a good guide. Kinda took for granted my dad teaching me how to do these with all the tricks.


I was about to go camping and wanted to cook while out so this is a perfect video


Ay chef great video, some tips for your flint and steel. Get some of that kindling and rub it to make some fuzzy wood pieces so it’s significantly easier to light with a solid strike from a flint and steel. For your strike, go slower and harder for it to throw shards of ignited flint. After add some of that bigger kindling blow on it here and there and continue on chef. Great vid!


Heat, fuel, and oxygen are the three elements that are always needed for a fire to occur. It needs to be hot enough, it needs to have material to burn, and it needs circulation(able to breathe)to sustain itself. If you understand all that you will always be successful at making a fire, even if takes a lot of effort to get it finally going.


Hay..I'm from Chicago too..Great video.. The South shore cultural center has fire pit and I'vebeenhavingthe hardesttime getting the fire to keep going Thanks bro🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Awesome video thanks! I had some issues just last night so will be using these techniques next time. All the best.


definitely vote for more cooking over the fire videos. Something extremely relaxing and homey about it. Please!! Make it happen


This is so awesome, it will come in handy when i go camping after quarantine is over 👍


Thanks so much! My backyard us basically a forest and we will be making a fire soon.


Can you please tell me where I can find this grill rack. Where I can buy one like it. Nice very helpful info.


Thanks Now I learned how to start fire. Could you please share the link for Fire pit, I am looking for exactly similar setup.


FYI: believe it or now!
In Vancouver BC strike anywhere & waterproof matches & lighter fluid have all been banned. Merchants are prohibited from stocking them.


In my country cooking with firewood produces a delicious food aroma


I was struggling for like 40 minutes to start a fire so I watched this video and was immediately able to start one. Thank you!
