The TRUTH about Kat Von D’s baptism.

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Celebrity tattoo artist Kat Von D from the reality show "LA Ink" shared a video of her baptism. Prior to getting baptized, she renounced witchcraft and got rid of all of her occult books. But after her recent baptism, she’s received some backlash, not from her friends who weren’t Christians but from other Christians. Let’s check it out.



#katvond #baptism #Pastor #JoshCopron
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It's so sad how she was treated. She handled it with grace. Welcome to the family, Kat!


LET HE WHO IS WTHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE, She doesn't need to have her faith vetted by other so called Christians who are deluded enough to think only they have a hotline to Heaven and no one else.


I’m so happy for Kat!! Let’s keep praying for her and family!


True Christians wouldn’t display critical judgement about someone who made the choice to become Christian. Those people who gave her a hard time who think of themselves as Christian need to do some serious introspection.


People change.. people wake up... and the Lord welcomes anyone who can see the message. Good for her.


That kind of judgement is what made me leave my local church. Soooo much hypocrisy and HATE.
My relationship with God hasn't changed though and will NEVER change.


I always looked up to Kat Von D! She’s paving the way for us goth/rockers to walk with our heavenly king. Her story makes me feel not alone. God is going to use her in a beautiful way to reach a wider audience ❤ This is exciting, I hope people will soon understand how special this instead of acting out of fear.


Kat’s husband, Leafar Seyers, is the lead in a cholo-goth band, Prayers. He is/was a dark figure who has admitted to being active in the occult and dark arts. I hope their marriage can grow from this. She has said that he attends church with her and plans on retiring titles in his own musical library since he also feels a spiritual reshaping. Tragically, one person committing to God, can isolate the people in theirs lives. Let’s pray for them and lend them strength and encouragement.


You are loved and called by God. We are so happy that you answered. My family prays for you, that the Lord be with you always.


It is truly a sad day when the Church cannot rejoice for someone professing their salvation. Absolutely there have been people that have done things as stunts or they weren’t truly saved only to see them later falter and fall out of the way, but this isn’t always the case. These people can’t even give her enough grace to believe it is true, pray for her strength as she will face a lot more fiery darts from the devil than most of us will ever face, and just wait and see what happens if they have questions in the back of their mind not that that is their business to be calling out. I deal with a lot of atheists and witnessing, and one of the biggest bumps that I come across is the way that the body of Christ treats, others, and even themselves. The church is quickly becoming spiritual carnivores. These people should be ashamed. I for one I’m happy to see this. Not only given that she is tied up in the likes of Hollywood, but the amount of darkness that Jesus’ light brought her out of it is simply amazing.


God Bless her. Such a huge change for her. Getting all that ink covered up is pain enough.
Very courageous.


I am so proud of her. The world hated Jesus first. She has the power to reach so many people. I see people similar to her being saved and God is using them mightily as I believe he will also use her. God bless her!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤


It doesn’t matter who criticises her, God knows her heart. Those that criticised her are most likely not Christians


I remember going to a Christian camp as a young teen. I got “saved” there. Then I was told I needed to stop wearing black, stop listening to Metallica, etc. It really turned me away. Why did I need to change everything about myself to be saved? There was a lot of hypocrisy.

You really hit the nail on the head when you said most follow church culture, & have fallen away from the teachings of Christ himself. Thank you for putting into words what I could not express.


I wear alternative clothing and have tattoos and piercings, yet i attend a conservative church.

Im so incredibly thankful for my church community because they value me and even tell me how i can reach people they just can't.

One woman told me this on Sunday, saying that they are all the middle class white conservative type but i stand out and make people go wow.

Kat speaks beautifully and im so proud of her for speaking up and not being bitter ❤ what a great role model.


She should publicly address her decision to release a demonic Halloween music video that doesn't glorify God 3 weeks after her baptism. If the Holy Spirit did not convict her enough to not release a video that celebrates death and demons then I think it's ok to question if she is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Kat Von D lives out a genuine Christian faith. I can see Jesus shining through her and I’m encouraged ❤


You fit in with God. Now and always. Don't listen to these people, and their lack of faith.
Don't allow it, one bit, to alter your course to everlasting life with Our Lord and Savior. Keep your eyes on Him, alone. Period.
Edit: I admire the grace, with which you addressed this, Kat. Well done. God bless you and your family. 😇❤


Watching her respond to “Christian” critics is so saddening. I believe she is very genuine.


I'm a Christian and i am heartbroken that other so called Christians are being so unkind to you 😭 we were just talking about this kind of thing in Bible study last night. And our pastor has talked about this on Sunday sermons. The people giving you back lash are NOT CHRISTIANS!! i can't tell you Kat how proud and happy i am for you you are a blessing and don't let anyone else tell you different ❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏 I love you and don't know you but I know your heart ❤️🥰❤️🥰
