Never do these Three Things | Patriji | PMC English

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#patriji #pssm #pmcenglish #NeverdotheseThreeThings
In this video, Patriji explains the three things that one must not do.
1- No worship of an idol or person.
Once we understand we are God also it is difficult to worship idols. It can be great from the point of view of religion but not from the point of view of spiritual science.
2- No meat-eating.
Killing animals for our happiness or our taste buds is not at all right. Everyone has the right to live on this planet earth. Respect every existence.
3- No Doctor or medicines.
What can a doctor do to a disease caused by our ill thinking, eating, and speaking habits? We have to rectify our bodies by changing our patterns. Do more service to others. We will always be taken care of by the universe in return.
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🍀👀👀 Watch this video to know in detail. Stay tuned for more. 👀👀🍀
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Become a Master and learn from every Master.
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PMC English takes you deep into the world of New Age Spirituality. PMC English brings you talks on multiple spiritual concepts from renowned international speakers along with Pyramid Masters across the World. Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji is the Founder of the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement. Patriji is the new age spiritual master who has experimented on Meditation done inside pyramids. His simple tagline "Your Breath is your Guru" with 18 guiding principles paved the way for "Dhyana Jagath" (Meditation World), "Shaakahaara Jagath" (Vegetarian World - Non-Violence), and "Pyramid Jagath" (Pyramid World).
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In this video, Patriji explains the three things that one must not do.
1- No worship of an idol or person.
Once we understand we are God also it is difficult to worship idols. It can be great from the point of view of religion but not from the point of view of spiritual science.
2- No meat-eating.
Killing animals for our happiness or our taste buds is not at all right. Everyone has the right to live on this planet earth. Respect every existence.
3- No Doctor or medicines.
What can a doctor do to a disease caused by our ill thinking, eating, and speaking habits? We have to rectify our bodies by changing our patterns. Do more service to others. We will always be taken care of by the universe in return.
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🍀👀👀 Watch this video to know in detail. Stay tuned for more. 👀👀🍀
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Become a Master and learn from every Master.
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PMC English takes you deep into the world of New Age Spirituality. PMC English brings you talks on multiple spiritual concepts from renowned international speakers along with Pyramid Masters across the World. Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji is the Founder of the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement. Patriji is the new age spiritual master who has experimented on Meditation done inside pyramids. His simple tagline "Your Breath is your Guru" with 18 guiding principles paved the way for "Dhyana Jagath" (Meditation World), "Shaakahaara Jagath" (Vegetarian World - Non-Violence), and "Pyramid Jagath" (Pyramid World).
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Contact Us : 04066002332, 04029880145, 8500046596
#meditation #pyramidmeditation #breathmeditation #SubhashPatriji #Light #musicmeditation #evolution #Whatisevolution #evolutionfromapetohuman #evolutionofmonkey #humanevolution #theevolutionofman #scientistsagainstmyths#offroadevolution #ofarevolution #revolutionoflove #soulsofmischief #thebookofsouls #soulsofportraits #soulsofpoets #evolutionofsmooth #revolutionofconsciousness #thebookofsoulsworldtour #evolutionofconsciousness #stateofevolution #libraryofsouls #pmc #pmcenglish #pmcenglishtv #pmcenglishonline #pmcenglishonlinetv #pmcenglishvideos #pmcenglishchannel #pmcenglishchannelvideos #pmc_channel #pmconlinetv #pmclive #pyramidmeditationchannel #brahmarshi #patriji #pyramid #pmcchannellive #pmcmeditationchannel #patrijilatestspeeches #pmctv #patrijimeditation #HowtoMeditate #Mindful #WhatisMeditation #yoga #yogadaily #enlightenment #chakras #yogalifestyle #sunset #healthyfood #krishna #buddhism #quoteoftheday #landscape #shiva #dharma #believe #inspirationalquotes #sadhana #yogaphilosophy #spiritualguidance #spiritualquotes #innerlight #beachyoga #highvibratins #conciousness #meditating #yogamusic #healyourself #meditation #taoism #meditations #meditationspace #meditationquotes #spiritualist #spiritualquote #quantumhealing #yogaquotesk #mindandbody #energyhealer #deepbreathing #prana #guidedmeditation #dailymeditation #higherconciousness #meditationteacher #meditationcoach #energyclearing #kundaliniawakening #healingvibrations #heartchakra #mudra #soundbath #consiousness #spiritualityawake #spiritualinspiration #kundalinirising #powerofnow #sacredspace #kundaliniyoga #meditatedaily #yogatherapy #chakraalignment #spiritualvibes #vipassana #chakrasaligned #moksha #meditationiskey #clairaudience #7chakras #guidedmeditation #immunityboosting #immunitybooster #health #healthy #healthandhappiness #spiritualvaccine #vaccine #vaccination #happiness #stressmanagement #bestrong #mentalhealth #healing