#BradPitt e #InesdeRamon a #NewYork vanno a visitare una galleria d’arte
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New York, New York, è una scommessa d’amore, vero Brad? Come nella più bella delle lune di miele, prosegue quella metaforica di Brad Pitt e Ines de Ramon, in una viaggio all’interno del sentimento. Il loro, ormai palese, percepibile al tatto o allo sguardo, perché la loro relazione ormai, ci viene da dire, non ha più bisogno di tempo o di fasi di riscaldamento. È decollato e a dimostrarlo è stato già a Venezia il magico red carpet di “Wolfs”, dove hanno sfilato insieme. Brad e Ines, Ines e Brad, l’amore al quadrato. Anche a New York, dove proseguono i loro avvistamenti. Se ieri ve li abbiamo mostrati durante un date night, mano nella mano, stavolta la coppia è stata immortalata all’uscita del loro hotel newyorkese, prima di andare a una mostra in una galleria d’arte a Chelsea, nel quartiere di Manhattan. Belli, bravi e pure appassionati d’arte. Che volete di più?
Like in the most beautiful of honeymoons, continues that metaphorical of Brad Pitt and Ines de Ramon, on a journey inside the feeling. Their, now obvious, perceptible to the touch or look, because their relationship now, we say, no longer needs time or heating phases. It took off and to prove it was already in Venice the magic red carpet of “Wolfs”, where they walked together. Brad and Ines, Ines and Brad, love to square. Also in New York, where they continue their sightings. If yesterday we showed them during a date night, hand in hand, this time the couple was photographed at the exit of their hotel in New York, before going to an exhibition in an art gallery in Chelsea, in the Manhattan district. Beautiful, talented and even art lovers. What more do you want?
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#whoopsee #bradpitt #inesderamon #newyork
Like in the most beautiful of honeymoons, continues that metaphorical of Brad Pitt and Ines de Ramon, on a journey inside the feeling. Their, now obvious, perceptible to the touch or look, because their relationship now, we say, no longer needs time or heating phases. It took off and to prove it was already in Venice the magic red carpet of “Wolfs”, where they walked together. Brad and Ines, Ines and Brad, love to square. Also in New York, where they continue their sightings. If yesterday we showed them during a date night, hand in hand, this time the couple was photographed at the exit of their hotel in New York, before going to an exhibition in an art gallery in Chelsea, in the Manhattan district. Beautiful, talented and even art lovers. What more do you want?
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#whoopsee #bradpitt #inesderamon #newyork