My Gardening Life -- Why I Garden

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Both in the garden and in life, there is so much to gain from gardening. I offer some of my philosophy of why gardening gives me joy and allows me to share joy with others. Making and remembering memories at each stage of gardening is something special for me. Enjoying the flavors of the harvest that are so much better when you grow it yourself is unsurpassed. Making things better than how you found them can pay dividends in life.
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After a long stressful day of work, I can be at peace in my garden. Even if it for 15 min. It is the best part of the day.


Gardening makes me a better person, too. Thanks, Scott.


Scott, some men are called to preach, some are called to dirt. We all end up in the same place, gardeners are just a littler more familiar with dirt then others. Have a great day my friend!


Thank you GS for sharing your gardening stories. Very cool and very inspiring!


This is the most moving of your videos I've seen, Scott. My dad was an avid gardener who doubled the size of our garden when we kids didn't need the backyard anymore. When I was old enough to live on my own, I realized I couldn't be happy without a food garden. I'm raising almost all my own vegetables in a small backyard and front yard, and even after 30+ years of garden experience I'm amazed at how much more I learn every year. A lot of my new learning comes from you.


Gardening runs deep in my family. My grandparents had a big garden every year. My favorite memories were when my cousin and I would slip into a neighbor's corn field and eat the baby corn. My dad worked at a local nursery for many years and later had his own before moving into government work. As I have mentioned previously, this is the first time that I have lived on my own property where I can raise my own crops. I love watching your videos. They provide me with the tools to help me succeed. Not only for me but for my wife that has not been involved with gardening. Thanks again for all that you are doing.


Memories of gardening in my youth was a mix of joy and hard work. I would spend a few weeks at my grand parents during the summer as it was always an adventure to me. Gardening was always a part of that adventure. There was an elderly German lady a few houses down from my grand parents and she had a wonderful garden both flower and vegetable, they were a true work of art to me. It seemed to me she could grow anything and it was like magic on her part. as the summers roll by and I spent many hours with her in her gardens just watching and listening. As the years passed by I always had fond memories of that wonderful German lady and her gardens. I always knew that I would have my own garden some day, so here I am today at 72 with an 8, 000 sq ft no till organic garden, with many others in my past and it all was a wonderful experience thanks to a wonderful old German lady that became my friend and guiding light to this great life as a gardener. Now I have discovered Gardener Scott and have found I can still learn something new at 72. Thank you for your efforts, I am sure many new young gardeners will be moved to this wonderful life as a gardener by your efforts.


When my hands touch the soil its calming and soothing


I am preparing for my first garden. I've been inspired with your videos as well as Roots & Rescue and MIgardener. I have wonderful memories of helping my grandma in her garden as well...I'm hoping to recreate some of those memories! And...loved your deer visitors! <3 :-D




I have fond memories of walking around my grandparents house with my grandma and mom. flowers were everywhere and the lily of the valley on the north side of the house was so fragrant. I was very young but I can visualize it very clearly and remembering that even though I didn't understand what they were talking about it was fascinating to me. Grandma also had a huge vegetable garden in the back yard with rows and rows of well maintained beds. Such a wonderful and beautiful memory and I'm so happy that Grandma planted a seed of the love of gardening in my soul.


It sounds like your family is well fed and lucky to have you as their personal gardener and cook. I love to garden because it is in my blood I like to say. My family has had at least one gardener in each generation as far back as I can remember . I spent a lot of time in the garden with my Dad, grandparents and great grandparents. I use to tell everyone my Daddy could put a dead stick in the ground and grow a beautiful rose from it.


Just found you this evening and can't quit watching your videos. I am a master gardener and have been playing in the soil for 20 years. I have mainly planted herbs for pollinators and that is where my love is in the garden - bumble bees are my pollinator love. This past fall I have started composting big time and want to start a worm farm. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and I look forward to watching all your videos. Garden on my friend...


Thank you. Mr. Scott. I do know your feeling. I too ate lots of veggie from my grandma garden. Only didn't start wanting to do garden till now cause of busy daily life and no room to grow plants. When ever I want to buy a pot of plant or seeds to grow, mom would say 'where are you going to grow them, under you bed?' Now I move into a bigger apartment. hopefully I can at least a pot or 2 veggie. :)


One of my favorite parts of gardening is being outdoors and enjoying the sounds of the birds or the occasional critter. In this video, you had a family of deer behind you. How cool is that?

I also have fond memories as a child in working in our family’s garden in North Carolina. Looking forward to doing so much more of it.


As a kid I was fascinated by plants. Not a special kind, but all of them. Even weeds (lol). Over time I learned they all have a purpose. It wasn’t until my dad retired and we moved to Northwest FL that I began to grow plants. I mentioned before, my Horticulture Teacher lit that spark. I have been trying to grow plants ever since. I have many fond memories of picking apples in Michigan when we visited my grandmother or eating English peas raw... right off the plant. Due to work and life, most of my gardening has been in containers. Currently though thing are swinging were I might be getting a green house and some raised bed. I am stoked!! It was looking up something about raised beds I came across your channel. I have been hooked since. Like my horticulture teacher, you have inspired me and also taught me a lot in just a few short videos. I commented not doubt if you have ever made an impact on a student. To that I can now add the word subscriber. Keep up the great work!


Thank you for sharing. I remember back when I was young . My Mother always taught us to do things in Our life to help make our life a little bit better. Thank you Scott


I'm with you! I dont think im happier anywhere else in the world than when im in my garden. And yes -i think some some deer are sneaking by while you're distracted. 🐂 yes she does like your garden too. Love it


Scott I am in north Idaho a neighbor gave me some puny raspberries plants . I put them in my back to Eden garden they took over i have been trying to get then out for 3 years now. Jess from roots and refuge has a great spirit & a great garden. I would like a longer grow season here . Your videos are great thanks


This is the spirit that will save our world. Thank you for putting it in words.
