Why I sold over half my Anime Figure Collection 💸 Unhaul

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I yap on a bit at the start lol, so if you're just interested in what figures I've sold you can jump to 8:37


00:00 intro
03:06 the figure collecting journey so far
08:37 b-styles
11:15 fate figures
14:16 "collectionception"
18:32 spicy figures
20:18 figures that are too BIG
22:16 getting out of the weeds
24:56 conclusions

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That's what collecting and curating a collection is all about. Things go in and out of the collection all the time. Sometimes they go back into storage and other times they go permanently. I think that's natural and healthy. Your collection reflects you at your current moment. At the risk of a cheesy Marie Kondo quote: if it doesn't bring you joy, get rid of it.


This is what I need the bravery to do too. I learned so much throughout my journey, loading up early on game prize figures and other impulse buys that just take up space. I've become much more discerning since then and the culling needs to negin.


I have noticed with my collections, once I get a “dream” item, I stop collecting. I either sell everything (and start a new collection), or the collection just stays the same for years.

As I have gotten older I am just less interested in collecting, or maybe I was just too into it before lol. It’s crazy how some things that brought you joy one day become overwhelming a few months later.


Decluttering a collection is so satisfying tbh.


I did this recently and it honestly made me smile. It's definitely a tangible, visible example of someone's growth as a person and their changing interests. I'm definitely more picky about the figures I get moving forward. It's bittersweet.


My go to (mostly due to a lack of funds) is see a figure and forget about it, if I’m still thinking about it weeks/months later and it won’t have any financial impact I’ll buy it


Such an insightful and honest video. I applaud you.

I don't really collect figures, but I totally understand why you felt you had to sell off half of your collection. It actually feels really satisfying to declutter and I agree: once you start to get rid off some stuff, letting go other items gets much easier.


This is a great video, and honestly a very important discussion to have. Selling a significant portion of my collection is process I’ve been going through as well. While my collection wasn’t as impressive as yours, I definitely got a little trigger happy with preorders when I first got into the hobby. It’s been nice to make some money back and be able to pay more attention to ONLY the figures that make me really, really, really happy to own. It’s so funny, some of the figures you mention as having sold are ones that for me were “I MUST keep!!!! ❤”. It’s so personal to everyone. 😊

In the end, it’s so easy to fall into FOMO with a hobby like this. But it’s all the more important we resist it, since it’s such a pricey thing to be into as well.


I really feel this. In the end, it's a healthier mindset and you'd be more fulfilled by getting the ones you will adore and keeping a certain bar is good to do. Because I know how it feels to be so trigger-happy buying all the figures I want to have back to back. It felt nice at the time but now I feel like I don't have the space anymore for them too and due to me moving abroad I feel like I have to stop because hauling all those figures around would be just too much. And I feel like I'd rather save up now to get some nice scales instead of 5 price figures of one character. So I really get what you mean


I feel you on this video. While I still had space, I bought A LOT, but after running low on space in my main display I realized I need to only get stuff that truly resonates with me. I cancel loads of pre-orders and rearanged a lot of stuff. Gave away some PRIZE stuff to friends, cuz I felt no attachement to those.
Some of the most exciting figures for me are the BiCute series and POP-UP's XL and L sized ones. They cost a resonable ammount and have a small base, which makes it easy to indulge and not feel the burn in my wallet or space lol
PS: It truly hurt hearing you sell the B-style's, especially since many of those were ones I'd love to own purely cuz I love how they look, but I truly understand where you were coming from with that choice!


So excited for you! Would love to still hear what you are excited about as figures come out and why you chose to get or not get a figure for yourself. I think it’s a healthy mindset you have and more people need to be reminded that we DON’T NEED IT ALL! it’s very hard to remember.


ur mindset towards collecting is rly refreshing! in this hobby u def can get thrown into the 'i have to have as many as i can' mindset, got me thinking abt my own collection now haha


I really love that you took the time to go through your reasoning here. Collecting has ups, downs and other changes that will happen as your life or your mindset as a collector shifts. I've had it happen multiple times and in different collections (dolls, anime figs, etc.) and i can heavily relate to the feeling of "once you decide to sell a few, it gets easier with each next one", having just done a partial 'purge' of my figures as well.
Coming out the other end always feels freeing and like the parts of the collection you decided to keep finally get to shine and breathe with the space that's been cleared


Thank you for addressing one of the problems a figure collector faces at some point; and it’s evident that as well on the figure market. Not to mention prices are crazy high nowadays that makes collecting stressful rather than enjoyable.


I went through my figures recently to unhaul stuff but this makes me want to go back through again. Will we be getting a room tour soon with all the changes? Love that it seems like your manga collection has been growing in the background haha. Something I've gotten more into myself lately vs figures.


It’s so interesting how we all go on our own journeys. I’ve also recently started culling my collection. Started out buying figures from most of the animes I liked to watch but I found myself losing interest in them after those shows came and went. But it’s kinda funny how we went in opposite directions with culling our collections. While you’re moving away from them, I’m limiting my collection down to only Fate and Type-Moon figures as I love Type-Moon’s universe more than anything, Fate specifically is by far my favourite IP and those figures make me the happiest. Also have to thank you as your videos are what got me into Fate all those years ago when you started posting Fate figure hauls and unboxings. So yeah, thanks from a fellow aussie collector :)


I'm still a beginner so this is something I need to learn because I have limited space and money. Glad you can do it, because it is a pretty hard thing to keep up. I completely resonate with you and your choices, and I'll take some of your advice and logic!


I noticed this happening a lot lately with collectors, something seemed to have changed, but I'm also critically evaluating what I want to keep to avoid an overwhelming, unsatisfying collection at the end. The ridiculous prices, amount of choices, space issues with boxes and figures - all of them can burn you out very quickly.

I'm in the process of selling the ones I don't like anymore. Wrapping up the boxes nicely with all the plastic inserts etc and packaging to sell is tedious asf. Another reason to be picky. Once you start selling it feels great, and I encourage anyone who's thinking about selling to just do it. It's nice to get a small portion of your money back and to free up some space for future figures. I was afraid of selling at first cause I had no experience, but once I made a few sales I realized it's not bad at all. Though I will say the market rn is quite bad, even pricing figures really low takes a while to sell. I'm mostly selling at a loss, unless you're lucky and the figures you have are rare. Still, It feels nice to regain some space to curate a small meaningful collection.


SO TRUE I feel like it’s so easy as a collector to get a bit too trigger happy and suddenly you’re overwhelmed with figures you actually don’t even really like 😩 however that gothic Lolita asuka is one of my total grails !!!! Hoping to snatch her up someday haha


Scaling back and even selling part of the collection is something I've considered this year too! Don't know if I'll move on from half my collection but you've given me the courage to start freeing up some space! 😆
