Even More 5 Things I Like More In Svelte Than React

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The 5 Things
0:32 No More Refs
2:00 Meta Tags
2:44 Transitions
4:30 Reactive Expressions & Statements
5:56 No More Providers!

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imo the fact that React more or less became a standard, is the biggest tragedy in frontend history so far


Thanks for these great videos! I see svelte like a new era of FE frameworks, if the others want to keep up they will need to be re-write into compilers, period.


i think im gonna love svelte. it's compelling me. ill give it a try.


Svelte is a tech startup, React is bureaucracy


What's your VS Code theme that u used it in this video


You probably get asked this a lot but - what themes are you using for vscode? Definitely easy on the eyes. Thanks!


Pity that Svelte is so late to the game. I feel like if it had come out right around the time that React did, React wouldn't even be a thing today and most of the web would be developed using Svelte right now. 🤷 Compared to the simplicity and elegance of Svelte, React is a total horror show. To be fair, though, Svelte was built on many of the ideas pioneered by React and Vue -- it wouldn't have existed in its current form without those preceding libraries.


With respect to the framework/library itself -- i.e., disregarding community size, native mobile maturity, etc. -- is there anything that React or Vue do _better_ (more easily) than Svelte?


React is just a bad idea with a great ecosystem.


Hi Scott, thanks for the video, before post my opinion let me tell you that i am angular 2+ dev ( professionally) and use vue and svelte for some private projects.
So about this videos and the previous one:
1. to be honest i dont know if i should smile or cry, because everything (except for the meta tag feature) in some way already exist in Angular 2+, did even tried Angular 2+ ?
2. the template engine in Angular is more readable with ngfor and ngif and you even have a ngswitch. than svelte.
3. Svelte you you have two pitfalls that Angular and vue 3 dont have:
- when working with arrays, you need to use spreed operator to apply the update
- the problem with this when assign events with params ( where react has the same problem) where to solve this the majority of react and svelte dev use arrow fn (i would prefer to use bind), where Angular and vue you dont need to worry about.
4. Animations: Angular also includes this feature, nothing new.
5 Routing, Svelte also dont have routing like react, Angular and vue have.
6. So you want routing, you have two options, install external routing or you need to learn sapper or sveltekit, really man it is not enough just learn svelte, lol.
6. Forms, the only framework that make easy to work with forms is Angular, the others just sucks because you need a external lib to do a decent form with validation and be reactive at same time,
7. typescript, i see that you are using types, so with Angular 2+, you can use typescript since version 2, out of box, without extra command, package or code / fn
8. last, websites !== web apps, frameworks like vue, svelte and react are good to make websites, where frameworks like Angular, emberJS and AureliaJS are perfect to make web apps.


the $: is using a cached version of the underlying property, I believe and it should be closer to useMemo in React, and same as "computed" in Vue. Very powerful stuff. I still prefer Vue, but SvelteKit is looking good. Still, we need to see what Nuxt will bring once it is Vue 3 ready


i strongly disagree with you about the transition topic, the beauty of framer motion is that you can customize and orchestrate any kind of transitions ( waiting for a page to finish the transitions before the next one fires on route change is pretty neat) . The baked transitions of svelte are pretty boring
