Fox News' Clown Doctor Analyzes Obama

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"Fox News' crackpot psychiatrist has some new psychological insights to lay on us over President Obama and his proposed gun regulations. Once again, Ablow didn't let a little thing like not having examined Obama hold him back from a diagnosis: Obama's abandonment issues have led him to disempower the individual in order to empower the collective -- with himself at the center of it."*

Did you know you could psychoanalyze people based on TV appearances? Well, apparently Dr. Keith Ablow of Fox News thinks he can. What does he think Obama's stance on gun control comes from? Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more from Opposing Views:

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I'm glad to see you're finally getting the help you need.


CENK, You are EXACTLY RIGHT: Psychiatrists can literally always go to the exact opposite; their is NO WRONG ANSWER.

Psychoanalysis is interesting but it is NOT ABSOLUTE and Psychiatrists are never 100% sure of ANYTHING (which is why they lead in suicides, drug/alcohol abuse, and have a 53 year life expectancy).

Psychiatrists are DRUG-DEALERS.

Psychologists/therapists do help many with talk therapy - Psychiatrists are just rich guys who, simply, do not understand life for the majority of us.


Back 30 years ago A one income household started its decline because unions were being crushed and union pension were being stolen by corperate executives. It takes two to make a living which means a man has to make about 30 dollars an hour so his wife can raise the kids at home. Your family value party is against that. Corperate welfare on the low end cost you and I, 51 billion to 100's of billions people on welfare is only 8% of the US. population and cost us 29, 900, 000.


Ablow is one of the best. I visit him twice a month.


That is so vile, and it denigrates all the hard working single moms out there who are doing an excellent job at raising their kids.


What an incredibly well thought out reply, with three simple words you have clearly refuted my entire comment. Congratulations.

~On a more serious note, I really don't feel like feeding trolls and as such I am ending any attempt at a conversation with you here.


the end result of what happens when unions get their absolute rule? Take a look over in Europe. If you're not Union there, you don't work, PERIOD. if you are union, you're lucky if you're working. Unions have outlives their purpose. Once upon a time they did do a good job getting wages up from next to nothing to something someone could live on. but now they are demanding everyone within the union be paid top dollar, which is unreasonable. sorry, but the guy pushing a button shouldn't be making..


Exactly, I didn't think Obama was abandoned by his mother, in fact he also had a loving Grandmother too. And he has embraced family life too.


I think Dr. Ablow does an excellent good job with his diagnoses. In short, Ablow job = just what America needs right now.


Your definition is too limited. Healthcare, gun restrictions, more taxes for the wealthy, support for social he's a conservative the GOP should love him, right?


I love how Fox News has turned collectivism into a dirty word. Everything and anything ever accomplished by mankind has been through cooperation, teamwork, unity.. in a word collectivism.


What's so bad is that it doesn't allow for ridiculously large accumulations of wealth... So it must be fought at all costs.


On Dec. 20, 2001 President-elect George W. Bush invited some 30 clergy and other religious leaders to the First Baptist in Austin Texas to discuss his commitment to public funding churches.That is against my will!! I believe in the seperation of church and state and your party keeps trying to tear that down. The patriot act takes our right away to assemble. Thanks GOP.


Why? because they are totally nonsensical and pointless, adding nothing to a discussion?


For the record, liberalism is actually a strong political opponent to socialism. The "liberal" and "socialist" terms, as they're used in US media, have nothing to do with the actual propositions of these political theories.


Oh so Bellevue hospital are offering medical courses and licenses now?!! This doctor is nuts!


That they seriously call him the A-Team is madness


So it takes two to make a living does it? the man Has to make 30 bucks an hour to get by? Bullshit and you know it. My mother by herself raised me and my sister on a waitresses earnings, and we never got jack shit from the state or government to help, even when my mother DID apply for aid. apparently being a single mother waitress wasn't good enough to get aid. the only reason you would 'need' 30 bucks an hour is if you're living way above your means. and as for unions, would you like to see...


The image of the man in the background while Ablow is talking is how I felt while watching him speak.


The problem is that the word SOCIALIST is completely misunderstood in our country. If Obama is a socialist, then I'm the Queen of England.(Which, btw, isn't possible because I'm a man.)
