The Meredith Chorus Sings Ríu Ríu Chíu

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Ríu Ríu Chíu arr. Erica Phare-Bergh
Meredith College Chorus
Dr. Shannon Gravelle, conductor
Mrs. Cathy Hamner, collaborative artist/recorder

Ríu Ríu Chíu, la guarda ribera: Dios guardo el lobo de nuestra cordera.
Éste qu’ es nascido es El Gran Monarca, Cristo Patriarca de carne vestido: Hanos redimido con se hacer chiquito: Anque era infinito, finito se hiciera.
Riu Riu chiu…
Muchas profecias lo han profetizado: Y’aun en nuestros dias lo hemos alcançado. A Dios humanado vemos en el suelo. Y’al hombre nel cielo por qu’er le quisiera.
Riu riu chiu…
Este viene a dar a los muertos vida y viene a reparar de todos la caida. Es la luz del dia aqueste mochuelo: Este es el cordero que San Juan dijera.
Riu riu chiu…

River, roaring river, guard our homes in safety as God kept the wolf from our lamb.
The one who is born in the Great Monarch, Christ the Patriarch clothed in flesh: He has redeemed us by making himself small: Though he was infinite He became finite.
River, roaring river...
Many a prophecy told of his coming, and now in our days we have seen them fulfilled. God became man, on earth we behold him, and see man in heaven because he so willed.
River, roaring river...
He comes to give life to the dead. He comes to redeem the fall of man. This child is the light of day. He is the very lamb Saint John prophesied.
River, roaring river…

Meredith is a private college in Raleigh, N.C., known for educating and inspiring both undergraduate and graduate students to live with integrity and provide leadership for the needs, opportunities, and challenges of society. Grounded in the liberal arts and committed to professional preparation, Meredith is respected nationally as a vibrant learning environment in which students enhance their strengths, broaden their perspectives, and prepare for lives of impact and distinction.
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