How to Create Animated Videos In Canva For FREE (2024) Step By Step Tutorial

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Creating animated videos is a great way to capture the attention of your audience and convey your message in an engaging way. Canva, the popular graphic design platform, offers a simple yet effective way to create animated videos for free. To get started, simply log into your Canva account and select the “Create a design” button.

From there, choose the “Animated” option and select a template that fits your needs. You can then customize your video by adding text, images, animations, and music to make it truly unique. With Canva's easy-to-use interface and extensive library of design elements, you can create professional-looking animated videos in no time.
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Thank you so much. I loved this content ❤


Hi! Do you do animations jobs too? I have one for you


If i use elements graphic in my videos ? will i get copyright i am using education pro account


Thanks Mate. Awesome Video. Really Needed This ❤👍👍. I'm not a Video Editor but this solved my Problem. 😇😊


Hiding like that watermark, can be use for youtube footage? plz, anyone.


This is neat, but funny how everything you showed here can be made as easily in Power Point. Not saying it's better, but it's an available option.


what your showing is not free you need canva pro for it.


This is unrelated, but just wanna share the Gospel because not every day is promised and we all need to be ready for the day we’re going to stand before God. Please read below if you want to know God and have eternal life.

Jesus Christ is Lord. He is the only way to eternal life. The first man, Adam, sinned, and after him, all humanity. Mankind was brought under the curse through Adam. So the Lord Jesus Christ had to take on flesh, and live the perfect life for us. He then died on the cross for our sins as our perfect substitute and rose from the dead on the third day in victory. In doing so, He frees the one who believes in Him from the curse and brings us under His representation, by which we are declared righteous before God. Further, it’s through His blood that He gives the believer power to live a new life, free from the slavery of sin. Everyone was born once (physically). That’s how you enter earthly life. But to receive eternal life, you must be born again (spiritually) - and that comes through the Lord Jesus Christ alone. God has promised His gracious gift of eternal life to all who repent and believe in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Make that choice today. God bless!
