Bitcoin For Beginners (2023)

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In this video, I discuss Bitcoin for beginners.

Bitcoin is a new kind of money that is very special for three reasons:

1) Bitcoin was not issued by a government or corporation. It's a new neutral form of money that cannot be manipulated by government officials or corporate insiders or anyone else. There's nothing else like this-- not Ethereum, not Cardano, not anything else.

2) Anyone can send Bitcoin to anyone else in the world (p2p), without using a 3rd party like a bank or other financial services company.

3) Bitcoin's supply is capped at 21 million. It's difficult at first to understand how this cap is enforced, but trust me for now. Bitcoin is actually more scarce like gold, which makes it an even better store of value than gold over long periods of time.

Not only is Bitcoin an excellent savings and retirement vehicle, but it can also be used as an easy and low-cost way to send remittances to other countries.

Bitcoin is a life raft for refugees, who no longer need to leave their savings behind when they flee their country.

Bitcoin is also a life raft for those who choose to remain in an unstable country and want to hide their savings from an authoritarian ruler or protect it from high inflation.

When you are first learning about the space, focus on Bitcoin not "crypto." Crypto is mostly scams and unregistered securities, as we saw with Do Kwon (Terra Luna) and Alex Mashinsky (Celsius) and Sam Bankman-Fried (FTX) in 2022.

By contrast, Bitcoin is a unique and benevolent digital asset. Bitcoin is ethical money for the world's 8 billion people.

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

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I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos.

My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.


Neither Trader University, nor any of its directors, officers, shareholders, personnel, representatives, agents, or independent contractors (collectively, the “Operator Parties”) are licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisors, or registered broker-dealers. None of the Operator Parties are providing investment, financial, legal, or tax advice, and nothing in this video or at www.Trader.University (henceforth, “the Site”) should be construed as such by you. This video and the Site should be used as educational tools only and are not replacements for professional investment advice. There is a high risk in trading.
Рекомендации по теме

Yes, I know that I said "Trader University, " but that is because this video was recorded a few weeks ago before I left on vacation and changed the channel name. Rest assured that you are here at Bitcoin University.


Please do this video every year so that we can pass around an updated version at the beginning of each year to family and friends.


What is the best strategy to enter crypto trading now for someone with more or less than $6000 to invest?


This is great - just sent it to 4 people I know who struggle to understand bitcoin. I’ve explained it to them before but I struggle to stay at the 1000 foot level.


Thank you, Professor Kratter. Forwarded today's video gem to my family members.


Yes, I’ve been waiting for this video. 2020 is a little outdated but also so much has happened since then.


Hopefully this becomes one of the most shared videos.

I've shared to 2 friends already. I didn't notice the search function on YouTube channels. It's easy to search your videos now here instead of the general YouTube search where any content creators videos come up on the search


This is as good as it gets - all signal and no noise - the perfect video to send to people that ask "what is this bitcoin thing I've been hearing about lately?"


Good seeing how you people came up with the recommendation and I appreciate that sounds truthful, I'm getting started now


100% of my wealth is in bitcoin and none moved during the bear market. This channel helped me alot.


Thanks Matt. This is the perfect video for my wife and in-laws (and me) 😃


There will be plenty of newcoiners coming. A timely video. Well done Matt, glad they will get reliable, honest information.


I still consider myself a beginner even after 3 yrs into it ..


Spot. On. Apart from the 15 years in finance, a similar story. Too "smart" for my own good! Huge lesson learned. Never EVER dismiss a financial innovation out of hand. At least do some research. Have an open mind. Consider all sides of the story and recognise prejudice/bias for what it is. In my case being a gold bug. Came to learn that gold & bitcoin are cousins having the same enemy - fiat. PS still have some gold - I like the feel in my hands.


Back to the basics, very nice to hear these fundamentals once again. Cheers.


Mr. Kratter, you're a real one! Thank you for refreshing me on the fundamentals!


Great video! I'd love to see a series of shorter videos explaining Bitcoin step by step. Many folks I've spoken to are hesitant to dive in due to the complexity. Short, focused videos could make it much more accessible.


Thanks Matt. Been following you for a while. Thanks for all you do for the global Bitcoin community 👍


Great information. I always get a lot out of your videos. Thank you


Other than storing BTC on a hardware wallet, how can we protect BTC from the Restrict Act if it passes? I would feel cagey doing a coin join even if I understood how to do it safely.
