Learn English Vocabulary: CATS! 🐱 🐈

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Are you a cat lover like me? In this lesson, I will teach you English vocabulary about cat behavior, and also teach you how to describe the personality of cats. I’ll also tell you a few stories about my love of cats. I recommend this lesson to you if you like cats and also if you wish to improve your English listening skills. This is a purr-fect vocabulary lesson for cat people!

Next, watch some other vocabulary videos I've made:


Hi, everyone. Welcome to my cat lesson. I really love cats, so I'm excited to do this for you today. I'm going to read you a cat poem, I'm going to talk about cat personalities, and I'm going to tell you some stories about my old cat I used to have. Unfortunately, he's dead now, but his name is Mr.... is/was Mr Milo. So, I'll let you know something about Mr Milo as we do the lesson.

Let's begin with a poem. This poem is about cat behavior and also about how a cat changes as it gets older. I'll read it to you now.

Listen, kitten,
Get this clear,
This is my chair.
I sit here.

Okay, kitty
We can share;
When I'm not home,
It's your chair.

Listen cat
How about
If I use it
When you're out?

So, what happens in this poem is that as the cat gets older, the cat's behavior changes. At first, it's a lovely, sweet kitten, and the cat's owner is in charge. The cat's owner is still the boss, and the cat's owner can say: "This is my chair", when the cat is a kitten; when it's still a baby.

Then, later, the power has changed between the cat's owner and the cat. Now, they share the chair; they sit together. The owner sits with the cat, and when the owner goes out, then the cat can sit in the chair by itself. This is when the cat has become a kitty.

And then, later, when the cat has become an adult, the power has completely changed and now the cat's owner can't sit in his own chair; he has to ask his cat: "Is it okay if I sit in that chair that you like so much?" when the cat has grown up.

So, I really liked that poem about cats, because I think that's one of the main things about their personalities. Unlike a dog that respects you as its master and will always look up to you, that's not guaranteed with a cat. And many cats, as they get older, become very powerful and more powerful even than their owners.

So let's look at some cat words now. We've got: "pussy" or "pussycat". The word "pussy" can be a rude word. If we want to say... We can still use it when we're talking about cats, but we have to say it in a sweet way: "pussy". And we can say: "Here, pussy, pussy, pussy" to a cat. It does sound a little bit funny, but you could still say it as kind of a joke or to be sweet.

Another cat word is "moggy". A moggy is a cat that... It's not a fancy cat, it's maybe not a very attractive cat; it's a mix of all the different street cats around, and not a beautiful champion cat, but one that you can still love very much.

Next we have a "tom" or a "tomcat". This is a male cat. And we have also "pedigree cat". "Pedigree" is a cat that has been bred to look a certain way; to look beautiful.

My cat, Mr Milo, was a pedigree cat. He was a Persian cat. He was very, very beautiful, but he wasn't very intelligent as a cat. And perhaps it's true that maybe moggies are more intelligent than... at least more intelligent than Persian cats because they haven't been so inbred to look beautiful.

Okay, now let's look at cat behavior. What does a cat do in its general, daily life? First of all, a cat loves to nap. You will often find a cat napping. For example, the cat may nap on a chair, it may nap on your bed. Cats might also do some hunting during the day. So, watch out if there's any wild birds in your garden, or any mice that might be in your garden or in your house because your cat will try to hunt that. Mr Milo was not very good at hunting. No, no, no. It was quite funny. He lived for 17 years, he never caught a bird. He only managed to catch a mouse that was already dying, so it couldn't really... It couldn't really run fast. And Mr Milo was so proud that he... He put his paw on this already half-dead mouse, but that... Mr Milo wasn't... He wasn't much of an aggressive cat. He was just, you know, he was good at looking beautiful, and that was all he did really.

Cats also like to groom. "Grooming" is when they lick their... Lick their fur to stay clean. Cats also like to purr. [Purrs] That's how Mr Milo would purr. It was often quite annoying, because he always wanted to do it right there next to your neck, so you would get the feeling of the claws coming out, and also wet-cat breath on your neck and in your ear. […]
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Ohh, I saw some tears at the end... I'm sure he'd had a good life with you and your family no matter the traumas, and I'm also sure he loved you guys. Thanks for sharing all this things with us. You're an amazing teacher!


Hello Jade. What a wonderful and inspiring lesson!. I do have three cats and loved this new vocabulary and you experience. I am a Spanish teacher living in brazil and you have inspired me to do a similar video about cats in Spanish. Geeting from Brasilia. Carlos


Jade your eyes in the last story tell everything about your love for Mr. Milo..


Jade, we can see how much you loved your cat. Thank you for sharing! I have three cats myselsef and the older is now 17 too. It's quite hard sometimes to put up with him, 'cause he's so demanding, but your lesson brought me a good inspiration. I know you took good care of your Mr. Millow, since he had such a long life. Maybe soon you'll be chosen to upbgring another kitten? I hope so. Carry on with your affection. Sincerely, Dea, from Brazil ♥️


Hi Jade how are you doing
Great lesson thanks a lot my beautiful teacher 😉


Thanks for telling us of your beloved cat.


Hello Jade? Great lessons on YouTube, and I love your English greetings from Argentina


Great lesson! It's very obvious that you love 🐈 so much!!! Thanks a lot! Look forward for your next lessons!


interesting. I also luv ur hand movements


I love your lessons Jade! Greetings from Brazil


I can’t understand people giving thumb down. This is a wonderful video! Thanks Jade.


I really like this poem; thank your for sharing😊
And such a nice thing to do to remember your Mr. Milo.


Hello Jade. My cat puts his tail upright when he asks for food or to open the door to go outside. He waves his tail right and left when he is in a playful mood or when he is hunting birds. I think cats use body movements and sounds trying to talk to us.


Great topic😊!
Cats are swishing they tails fully when they are hunting/in a hunting mood or when angry (they ears are close to they head then). When they are just swishing with just the tip of they tail, it means they are content😎😉.
Also, our cat fell into deep depression when left for just two weeks with some other family, took him a few months to be as trustful as before and forgive us... Then we took him all the way to the UK and he become himself after less than week. So he cares😀!


Listening your story, I feel how you are missing Mr. Milo. Perhaps sometimes you wait for his return. But it will not embody in life. Never
Very tearful story😪😥


As usual nice lesson more benefits regards.👍❤🎂


Aloha from Hawaii again! Another wonderful video presentation. How do the British refer to a "stray cat?" Here in Hawaii, we refer to stray cats as "ferile cats" or "rescue cats." We are a rescue cat family, having adopted many ferile cats over the years. Also, in Britiain, is a "alpha cat" referred to as a "Tom?" Again, Mahalo (Thank You)! & Aloha!


Thanks Jade for this class. I like your voice very much


I enjoyed this video a lot!

1. How come the word *kneading* didn't make it to your whiteboard? :)
2. Also, cats love to rub their head against "hooman" legs, hands, etc. esp. when they want a bite from the countertop :)
3. I have never heard of *moggy* but I have always been curious about the etymology of *tabby* ...
4. What would be the word for cat's *barking* when they see a bird outside the window?
5. Some cats wear *socks*, other wear *tuxedo* ...
6. I( would also add the adjective *feline* for the sake of completness
7. And last but not least - cats love to sit/lie in boxes - *if it fits, I sits*

We need another episode on cats, please :)


Hi Jade. Do you remember doing a video about "couldn't possibly" expression in a sentence like: "I couldn't possibly impose". I've found the explanation online but I don't feel I fully understand it. Thank you, for doing great work. I love your channel.
