3 True All Alone at Night Horror Stories

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3 True All Alone at Night Horror Stories, that take place at night. These stories all take place at night, alone.

0:00 story one
8:20 story two
11:01 story three

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In the first story, it's so fortunate that the police happened to be nearby and could get inside the house easily. If the intruder was asking the child to come out from hiding, he was definitely not just there to rob the place. A robber would take whatever they can and leave before being seen.


Everytime I need something to listen to while I'm getting ready or cleaning, you come in clutch with a new video!! I'm loving your consistency in uploading these creepy new stories, you're the best! 😁✌️🖤


When I was in college I rented a room in an old house, just down the street from the university. One day I decided to go around back and check out the back yard area around the house and I found a small mattress, some old blankets and a few other things sitting around the bed area and I realized that someone had been sleeping under our house. I told the other people and a couple of us decided to go down there together after dark and look around while the lights were on, in the house and we discovered that you could easily hear the TV as well as people talking in the living room area and could see thru some of the gaps between the planks of wood on the floor. We called the police to make a report and the cop said there was a guy who lived off and on with his Mother, in the apartment building on the block behind ours and he had been known to go under people's houses. I later discovered that he was a mental patient and had spent most of his life locked up in mental hospitals and when he wasn't locked up, he was living with his Mom as well as under people's houses. Needless to say it kinda creeped us out knowing this ..


“We are going to nail his ass to the coffin in court” haha I have never heard this saying before.


Great stories :) I really enjoyed them! Story 3 was my favorite for sure. Thanks for sharing these with us :)


Another banger man 😎🔥 keep that consistency going you’re the only channel who steady uploads every few days these other channels have gotten lazy lol it’s so hard to find a new story I haven’t seen I feel like i’ve watched them all now


It’s Friday Everyone!!! I got my hot coffee and now listening to Ripshy’s stories walking the school grounds 🎧☕️😎 God I love this channel and as always thank you Ripshy and have a great day and weekend 🤝


Perfect timing, right before I go to sleep. (Work tonight) Gave it a like before even watching


Here’s a story I could never explain
I lived with my parents and brother back then

On a quiet Sunday morning I was laying in my bed when all of a sudden the door knob was being moved up and down so violently.. I thought my brother was playing a prank on me..(which he never does to be honest)
I got mad and instantly stood up and open the door only to see there was no one outside my door.. I was so confused, it felt eerie.
I went to my parents room which was right in front of my room, they were still laying in bed. I asked them if they were trying to enter my room.. to which they said no.. but they did hear my door knob making noise. Then I rushed to my brothers room which was right next to mine and asked him if he was playing with my door knob…he was still asleep and when I woke him up he swear it wasn’t him..
I never knew what caused my door knob to move up and down so quickly and yet when I instantly opened the door there was no one


Ripshy posted, it’s gonna be a good day! 🤩


love how you dont emphasize every word and how you just speak in a calm voice, too many scary story tellers try to make there voice sound scared and like they were the ones in the story and its just incredibly annoying. keep at it. soon you'll be big!


Hey Rip, you did a fantastic job with this video. You nailed it out of the park. Love seeing your new uploads. Keep up the great work and I’ll see you on your next one 👍🏼👏🏼🤟🏻👊🏼


Great video as always! Thanks for sharing and nice sound effects


The yelling noise in the first story, miinnnt, nicely done


It is awesome to stay home by yourself&clean the house


WOW 3 great stories ripshy 1 was my fave tho like i always say your gonna be a big youtuber one day i know that for sure


Loved the stories. Your channel is one of my favorites. 😊


I enjoy these stories with the sound effects and It engages me more in the story


Happy Friday Ripshy! Have a great weekend! 😎


Really great stories thank you for the downloads and always being here and all of your hard work God bless you honey❤
