What is the Spinal Flow Technique?

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The Spinal Flow Technique is a gentle yet powerful modality that uses the body's innate healing wisdom to increase life force energy and activate the spinal wave. By focusing on the 7 Gateways of the Spine and 33 access points, blockages in the nervous system are released, creating ease and awareness in the body.

This technique is based on cutting-edge science and the healing arts and can identify the root cause of pain, disease, and illness. Pain is seen as a warning signal from the body, and the Spinal Flow Technique aims to help clients take action and prevent further serious health issues. Developed by chiropractor Dr Carli Axford, the Spinal Flow Technique is now a recognised modality and is taught to students worldwide.

Welcome to Makayla's channel, where we explore the power of the human body and its ability to heal. As a Spinal Flow practitioner, business owner, and mother of four, Makayla has a deep appreciation for the body and its many mysteries. Her passion for healing and wellness was instilled in her from a young age by her parents, who taught her the value of complementary therapies and getting to the root of illness.

With a background in TFH Kinesiology, Reiki, and intuitive energy healing, Makayla is dedicated to helping her clients achieve optimal health and vitality. Her focus on the Spinal Flow Technique allows her to identify blockages in the spine and work with her clients to release them, creating a path to greater wellness and balance.

Join Makayla on her journey of discovery as she shares her knowledge and expertise, and invites you to join her on the path to greater health and healing. Book a no-obligation consultation today and take the first step towards creating the life you deserve.
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