Cambridge University Q&A | Computer Science + General Questions

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Cambridge Computer Scientist answers questions about studying, accommodation, Computer Science and Queens' College.

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I have the same calculator as you. Does that mean I am going to Cambridge?


I'm a 37 yo man in Kentucky, US. I've always had a deep and abiding interest in computing. I googled "how to study computer science" and your videos were right on top. Its interesting to hear your insights as a young man at such a storied institution. I appreciate you taking the time to make these, and I thought you might dig hearing from such a weird demographic! Cheers!


Make a video on best laptops/PC's for programmers and CS students.

Suggested content:

- If Apple products are worth the price and if they're a good option.
- What to look for in a laptop. (Cores, threads, CPU cache etc..)
- If its beneficial to have a bad laptop and a good PC as a combination.
- Gaming and its hardware requirements.
- Difference between Laptops and PC's
- Programming software, info on VM's and IRC's
- If you're required to have a laptop as a CS student. (Can you only have a PC)

I hope you find the time to address some of these, I see people asking about them everyday.


Watching your videos really makes me wish I had revised at GCSE so that I could go to cambridge, but I only got 6 A's, 4 B's and a C. Hopefully if I get my predicted A's and A*'s at A level plus a first in a degree I'll be able to a masters degree at cambridge


Hi, Jake! I have a few questions here, hoping you could answer them...
1. I come form a preatty poor family so I'd like to know: how much do you spend each month? ( include meals, nights out, phone bill, acomodation etc pls :) )
2. How was your interview? Did you get any odd questions?
3. How does one exactly apply for a tuition loan?
4. Why did you say that you want to get out of Cambridge as soon as possible?
5. Which is the easiest way to get around Cambridge? Do you ever drive a car around or anything like that?
6. You might not know the answer to this one but... I'm not form the UK, but I have a CPE diploma (C2 level). This particular diploma is awarded by Cambridge, but I've heared that one may need a IELTS diploma to get into Cambridge if he/she is not English and that Cambridge diplomas are not accepted at... Cambridge. is that right? It doesn't sound right but... yeah.
Thanks. :D


Hi! Can I ask a question? I’m in year 11. I’m aiming for physics - 9 maths - 7 comp science - 8. I got into a really good college (taking those subjects) but they are subjects I REALLY struggle in. It’s my goal to study computer science at Cambridge, but I need all the help I can get to improve myself enough to get a level a*’s. I know about supercurricular activities and extra studies on the subject you want to take. But I know that computer science is one of the most competitive degrees to get into, and I have no idea what a levels will be like. Any tips/ or help would be appreciated:)


I'm currently doing my GCSEs, Computing is one of my subjects and I love it. Going to be taking it for A levels and at uni.


Really looking forward to your new term video series. My daughter is very keen to get into Cambridge for chemical engineering through natural sciences. Yes, I know, not your area of expertise, but your videos are still very informative! She wants to take maths, further maths, physics and chemistry in sixth form. I told her to concentrate on her GCSE's first, lol! Anyway, thank you very much for sharing!


Watching this in 2017. Have to teach my self with ComSci. 😢 Idk where should I apply my degree as an applied mathematics. lol.


omg you got 4 A*s at A level!! you're GENIUS! Shows how hard working you are!


Why do you want to leave as soon as possible? Could you make a video on the worst bits about Cambridge? Thanks


Just discovered your channel and love your content!!


Honestly, Im not good at enough maths and phisics but love them . So what should I do ? Hope for good univercity in the world ?Sorry for my english


Jake could you do as a possibility a tour of the comp sci building?


By minor maybe he meant joint honours degree


Cool video! I'm a bit stuck in what I should do after my GCSE's. At the moment I am incredibly confident with my computer science however if I want to peruse my interest in computer science, surely I have to be remotely good at maths. Unfortunately, that's not the case. At the moment I am doing foundation maths because I joined my school late and I was put into the average set(3 out of 5). I was also confident in my maths but I'm slowly slipping away from it due to my terrible teacher and the course. It is not challenging the slightest bit as you can imagine. As a result, my maths has now slipped and now I'm thinking that I can't do maths at A level when previously I was thinking about doing further maths aswell. Although this seems like I'm focussing towards my a levels than my upcoming GCSE's, I thought that I would sort this out before it comes to it. Thanks if you had the patients to read through all of this.


I really admire your achievement.How was the interview like?Trick questions?
I'm a junior in Romania(Europe) and i'd like to apply to Cambridge.I have very good grades and lots of extracurricular activities.Do I stand a chance?I belive there are tremendous amounts of very good students that want to enroll to this university.
Thank you.


can i find a job (to be a software engineer) easily, if i study computer science ?


Hey, do you necessarily need to choose a room mate? Can't one live alone (yeah, you guessed it I'm an introvert) ? Also, is there an attendance requirement for the lectures?


I'm from the south and I am crazy for Greggs. Kindred spirits.
